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RE: 767 Third Ave revisited

in #clubtalent5 years ago

Revolving doors really have a great texture shine off the wood finish @tattodjay.

Sorry to hear you lost photo's moving from SD card to computer, I move everything and wait a couple of weeks before cleaning the card. Why you may say, setup to save in monthly folders all are numbered, plus I have seen my husband lose superb shots by moving across and clearing straight away.


I know I probably should do the same I normally upload any photos I take not he evening do the day I took them and also back them up, I also normally check i have them all before clearing the SD card, but I got it all wrong this time with ther things on my mind, but at least I had a nice time at the beach, plus it was overcast so none of the shots were that special anyway LOL

Our memory captures wonderful moments, camera preserves them as a reminder. Glad you enjoyed the beach, always a great place to relax.

Thinking back a couple of years ago, it was so expensive to do photography from film, we have come a long way.

Slip up's happen, smil, Ie look forward to the next lot of photography fun.

Thanks for your visit, and i started showing with film, decades ago, and times sure have changed, you can experiment so much more these days with digital :)

I am normally so careful with doing this I was just distracted and missed the step confirming i had al the photos, i guess I was to busy doing other things at the time and got distracted and forgot that step

But its not that much of a big deal it was ver overcast so they shots wer eot that special and I got some on my pc to work with

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