Kids of the World || Dental OPD Edition. || A Visual Story.... || Club 100

in #club1002 years ago (edited)

Kids... So beautiful yet so annoying. So innocent yet so naughty. I have never had a good sweet type of relationship with any kidmy entire life. Either most of them are shit scared of me or they tend to avoid me.

I don't know the reason though. Do I look scary? Have I got some scary features on my face? Why's that every kid chooses my brothers over me? I think I know the reason. Maybe because I can't deal with their nuisance or maybe I get irritated of kids in general. Whatever it is, all my family knows that I am not good with kids.

I get a lot of taunts from my family members in which they tell me that once I have kids of my own, my whole perspective will change about kids. I am not sure, what the future holds but let's see whether I'll be able to tolerate my kids or not. We'll see once I have kids InshaAllah.

In my dental OPD, I check kids of all ages. Out of all the places, that I don't like seeing kids in, a hospital is on the top. It's not that, I have an issue with checking kids, it's because my heart cries to see kids in pain or crying qhile extraction or anything. I believe it's their parents' responsibility to keep a check on their kids but sadly 99% of the population fails in doing that. Oral cavity is the most important yet the most ignored part of the body. When oral hygiene is ignored in kids, it creates a lot of issues at a very young age, which leave both physical and mental trauma to the kids.

I check lots of kids in the OPD on daily basis. On good days, the number of patients is massive, exceeding 30-35 sometimes, and on normal days its 15-20 per doctor. Out of which 30%-40% are kids. They usually have the presenting complain of caries, decayed teeth, pain, swelling, bleeding etc.

In most cases, it's our top priority to save the tooth by Root Canal Treatment, Pulpotomy or in some cases by just removing the caries and filling. But sometimes, extraction is the only solution. I have started a thing for myself in which every kid that I'll treat, I'll take a picture with him/her. I can post it on Steemit and also I'd have this saved in my memories, so that years later, I can cherish all the smiles. Let's begin with the pictures













I feel so content with myself, that God has chosen for me a profession in which I help people of all ages to smile brightly, to have joy and to live a confident life. These kids have had a great impact on me, I swear. I am starting to like kids. I can't believe it's me who's admitting that, but yes, seeing these kids smile aftwr their treatment is truly such a happy moment.

These are all the kids that I diagnosed in a single day except for the small kid, which I holding, as she was only there with her mother(the patient)

I have decided to be regular in Kids of the world, Dental OPD Edition. It's not easy for me to take out time for Steemit amidst all of these things, that's why I haven't been able to take part in the Engagement Challenge. But I'll keep interacting with the users and keep posting valuable content here such as this post.

That's it from my side, hope you enoyed it. All these pictures were taken after getting the consent from these kids' parents.
Thank you.

cc: @pennsif @steemcurator01


Hello friend, I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in forming a curation team with me.

I'm @rafaelcmontero, Venezuelan, Steem Travelers Mod. #club5050

my discord

telegram group

Hey thank you for asking but I'm already in a team :))

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