Jeff Sessions "I recuse myself" Shirts hit the Web

in #clothing8 years ago (edited)

The news keeps coming and most of it is negative for the Trump Administration and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

First, it was Mike Flynn, and now Jeff Sessions is under fire. Although Mr. Sessions is a fine citizen and upstanding senator this doesn't bode well for him.

Jeff, " what gives with the mental lapses during your confirmation hearings before Congress?"

Maybe senility set in. Maybe Jeff was so in awe of Pelosi, Frankin and other Democrats that he just forgot.

Sessions may be the Keeper of the Flame but he didn't have time to burn his latest shortcomings.

Now the Democrats smell smoke and are looking for fire. We shouldn't expect this issue to go away soon as the lynch mob is forming.

One sure thing is the Russian ambassador has the perfect game. First, it was Mike Flynn's strikeout and now Jeff Sessions at the plate. We wonder who's batting third or clean-up for this administration?

Surely, Putin is proud of the great pitching job his ambassador is doing.

As always American's wear their hearts on their sleeve. The t-shirts are starting to flow as this is just the beginning of our latest saga.

Available at Amazon here:

Available at Amazon here:

This caricature of Jeff Sessions was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo from Gage Skidmore's Flickr's photostream.
The sky was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo from Mike Lewinski's Flickr's photostream.
The burning cross was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo by Confederate till Deathavailable via Wikimedia.

DonkeyHotey put together the image under Creative Commons:

The Russian Meetings phrase and sign was adapted by moi.

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