Project Status Report of CloakCoin 📄

in #cloakcoin6 years ago

Dear CLOAK Community,

it's been a while since we posted a bigger status update of everything around the CLOAK Project but as usual we are working hard behind the scenes!


Everyone is asking us when CLOAK will finally get listed on Binance.
Unfortunately we can't say more then to show you that we have applied.
Read more here:
When you think positive, positive things will happen!
Things are shaping up well and we still need a little patience.
Even though we have other good news for you!


We are pleased to inform you that a CLOAK article was published in the "Handelsblatt - Trend Report" today.
Handelsblatt is a leading German business newspaper, which aim to reach an international audience interested in business and finance with over 450k daily readers!


In general, the website is well structured and all information about CLOAK are available and updated. Nevertheless, we decided to upgrade the website! Our web developer is converting the existing website to a user-friendly CMS.
In this way we will have much more improvements to present latest updates, events, news, press releases, videos and much more in different languages on the CLOAK website.
That will make things easier, especially for newcomers!


The biggest event for Team Cloak is on the 5th to 6th April in Berlin, our first public appearance at an exhibition!
We are also an official sponsor of the C3 Crypto-Conference and very glad to welcome you at our stand.
Much of the planning is almost done. We will represent CLOAK with a lot of merchandise articles and a strong team.
Tickets and information:

Promotion & Advisors:

Apart from the current situation in the crypto market our promotional agreements keep running.

Nele Maria Palipea is writing our topic-related articles and supports us with managing and building up the Chinese community. The next article is already finished and will be published very soon.

Tom Gridland on the other side helps us promoting CLOAK by establishing the contacts to the media in various industries for interviews and the presentation of CLOAK. Tom is focusing on the cannabis and adult entertainment industry at the moment. He also tries to increase the acceptance of CLOAK in different payment platforms and online stores.

The partnership with Arcane Bear starts to blossom and we are happy to have the opportunity to work with such inspiring individuals. Tijo is currently on a world trip and shares his vision about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology all over the world. CLOAK is of course also a part of his vision! Good things are coming!

We are also happy to announce that Jsnip4 is a strong CLOAK supporter. Our main developer Deepend and Jsnip4 had a very interesting and extensive interview with John B. Wells at the Caravan to Midnight show about CloakCoin and cryptocurrencies.
Watch here:


We are pleased to announce a release in the next coming days that will include the enhancement of encrypted wallets. We are expecting another release with additional enhancements within the next 2 weeks. Then our team will be focused on the dev fund.
Once the dev fund is complete, we are hoping to bring new developers in our team in order to fulfill the LTC port during the 2nd, beginning of 3rd quarter.

Meanwhile, the development of the raspberry pi wallet has been paused.
The dev fund has the highest priority and needs to be implemented as soon as possible.
We are in the process of finding a solution! Maybe a former raspberry developer of the Cloak team is able to help us.
We already contacted him and waiting now for response.
We will keep you updated!

It is a very exciting time for Cloak!


Peace & Love

Team Cloak



Check this game out, look close with an open mind with what this new concept is doing with open source Ethereum ERC-20 smart contracts, decentralized exchange and passive income. The game is on it's way to passing the crypto kitties game on the Dapp Radar. The smart contract is coded to tax 10% of the ETH. when users purchase the (P)roof (O)f (W)eak (H)ands tokens and divides the ETH. tax to people who are already holding and also 10% of when users sell “20% total”. The name of the game is to hold as long as you can while you get earnings from the constantly taxed “Strong hand” buys and the taxed “weak hand” sells. If you don’t want to play anymore, you can pull out all your earnings all at once but with a 10% tax fee that gets divided to the stronger hands. This is what the ERC-20 smart contract is programed to do. Doesn’t hurt to look at the contracts open source code at least, don’t let the opportunity pass you by.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62763.51
ETH 2579.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72