
it is out of patent. 20 years. it was reported in Longevity magazine in 1991 or 2.
most copies of that issue seem to have gone missing from libraries all over.
pharmaceutical companies would be out of business if a tiny fraction of the useful stuff in the patent record was put into everyday use. it appears it boils down to the money, the bottom line. the people who run the medical industry don't seem to give a shit to educate themselves or care as long as they keep getting paid, no matter how many suffer and die. which, actually, could make them complicit in negligent mass homicide. we are talking more deaths than WW II.

Im looking into to the patent right now, im hoping I might be able to find a scamatic. could end up something really easy to make ourselves with some simpe sodering and some circuts from china.

all of the parts can be purchased for less than $100 total. there are tutorials on youtube for how to assemble it. it's supposed to work on HIV, Hep A,B,C, almost anything viral or bacterial. i used it when i had cancer. that is a more involved explanation. the result is i'm alive 5+ years later, cancer free and i haven't had a cold or flu since, and several other chronic issues, that i thought were normal are gone.
it never was FDA approved. this is my experience and is not medical advice.

if any part of my experience seems useful, let me know.

there are two schematics and parts lists in here.

sweet im checking it out.
Hearing from someone that actually used one makes it more of something that should be looked into.

i still use it about once a month, for about 20 minutes.

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