Hillary Clinton Wants Australian Money - Who Would Pay?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #clinton7 years ago

Hillary Is Coming to Australia.

Hooray, I guess, if you like that sort of thing-whatever that sort of thing is.

I’ll try and break down why an Australian would see fit to part with between $195 and $495 to listen to possibly the world’s worst ever candidate for Presidential office offer a dog ate my homework analysis of why she lost the unlosable election. Perhaps it's easier to identify who won't be tempted to go.

Political junkies, who enjoy the wit and wisdom of smart political minds, won’t be tempted to go. This person, outspent her opponent 2 to 1, had the entire Mainstream Media on her side, rigged the Democratic Primary, Had the endorsement of every “celebrity” you could name and didn’t bother to campaign in Wisconsin, a state that she lost. She also managed to insult half of Middle America by calling them a “basket full of deplorables,” and alienate the progressive base by treating them with contempt. Hardly, the work of a cunning political strategist, but she was Secretary of State for a couple of years, so maybe people interested in International affairs would be tempted to go.

It would be kind of interesting to hear her justification for the complete dismantling of a country (Libya) and how she reconciles the fate of women and children now sold into slavery in that country as a direct consequence of the actions taken under her watch. It would also be interesting to get her truthful thoughts on what happened in Benghazi, but I suspect that neither subject will be broached in any way, shape or form during her speech. It doesn’t serve to discuss the failures of the person, who Obama claimed to be the “most qualified person ever to run for President.”

I think as a president, Obama makes a great comedian. Surely, that’s the only way you can really take that assessment seriously. I mean we are talking about a Secretary of State who was assessed by the FBI as being too stupid to understand what the Big C on Classified documents emailed to her was meant to stand for and hence only showed extreme carelessness in storing classified material on an unencrypted server in her basement. But she was the most qualified ever. Good one Obama, do you write your own material? If so – you should seek a gig on Saturday Night Live or some other sycophantic show that pretends to be “enlightened”-I’m sure you’d be a hit.

Wait, I can hear the feminists banging at my door. My assessment of Hillary is misogynistic; I am unfairly judging her because she is a woman. Let’s be clear – any feminist who defends Hillary Clinton on the grounds of her gender is part of the problem. Hillary Clinton is to feminism what Billy the Kid is to law and order. But she’s a woman, so “feminists” defend her to the hilt. They skip over her denigration of her husband’s list of accusers; they ignore her cheerful recollection of getting a rapist off a charge of raping a 12-year old girl. They don’t care that Hillary is more than comfortable doing under the counter deals with the Saudis, who make it part and parcel of their regime to brutally oppress women. These are facts that cannot be dismissed as unreflective of her public life. They give an insight into a woman who will callously do whatever it takes to achieve what she wants.

The only thing Hillary Clinton proves for feminism is that women can be every bit as Machiavellian and corrupt as the worst examples of male politicians.

In my opinion, if you are a real feminist you wouldn’t cross the road to hear Hillary Clinton talk. But, there will be many “feminists” queuing up to hear her speak. They will gush over the injustices done to her and speak in awe of her strength in adversity and how politically correct she is. These people have drunk too much of the Clinton Kool-Aid. They’ve never bothered to read the inconvenient truths laid out in minute detail by her own emails or in the forensic analysis of the Clinton Foundation by Charles Ortel.

Those inconvenient emails sure have created some problems for Hillary, but she’s one strong woman. That’s probably why she asked her advisors if it was possible to just drone Julian Assange. Think about that for a while.

I haven’t mentioned Hillary’s cosy relationship with the Banking sector, her public and private faces, her calling black youth predators or her husband’s disturbing repeal of Glass Steagall or the privatisation of the prison system. I shouldn’t have to. By now, I’ve reduced the expected group that will hand over their money to be in the Neo-Liberal would be queen’s presence to two small groups.

There will be the power junkies – people who like to rub shoulders with powerful people in the hope that some of that shit will rub off. You can expect these boot lickers to cheerfully hand over $495 and make a donation to the money laundering operation otherwise known as the Clinton Foundation. Fools and their money are soon parted, unless of course you see the donation as a speculative investment.

Then there are the pseudo intellectual latte sipping comfortable lefty middle class revolutionaries who believe in the socialist ethic of “take what you want but you can’t have mine.” For them, Hillary is the ultimate warrior, a super changeling that will stop at nothing to take and wield power. Her ends justify whatever means.

If you fall into either of those groups -enjoy the show – it’s sure to be a hoot and if you are one of those fools prepared to pay $495 to get up close and personal make it money well spent – ask her about Seth Rich.


Haha! Only reason I'd even try to see her would be to ask her about Seth rich, podesta and Haiti

I'd actally pay to here somebody grill her on these issues. I might even pay $495 but it ain;t gonna happen, not in Australia.

This makes me so pissed off.

Probably a last ditch effort to sell her latest biography. I would not even use them as toilet paper.

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