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RE: Child Abuse and other criminality hidden by US Dept of Justice | #PizzaGate

in #clinton8 years ago (edited)

Hi Cathy, thank you so much for synthesising and posting this very key information in the first place. I did make some notes whilst re-listening to the Boiling Frogs roundtable which I will post here when I have a moment to go back to it. In the meantime, I'll post this video with Sibel from November 11th, 2016 which you have probably already seen but others may not have.

Newsbud on the Record: The Podesta Scandal & the Importance of Media Integrity



As Sibel says, the more dirty skeletons one has lurking in the closet the more likely you are to be appointed a judge. "Only blackmailable candidates get to hold office." This is how the corrupt system works. Dishonourable mentions include: Hastert, Bob Creamer & Jan Schakowsky (still a member of Congress), Clinton and Podesta.

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