Mind-Body Connection

in #climbing7 years ago

I have always felt that I am fairly in tune with my body. I have developed this from from dance, gymnastics, horseback riding and sports from my childhood and from yoga, acroyoga and climbing as an adult. Lately, I have noticed how strongly tied my emotions are to my climbing performance specifically. I'm able to push through a yoga class when I'm feeling down, but my body refuses to push myself to climb.

After a recent death in my family, I hiked the 45 minute approach to the climb, got my gear on, tied it, put my hands on the wall and my body refused to move. I couldn't put forth the effort to even get on the wall. My body completely refused to do it. This hasn't happened with me in any other sport. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?


For me, climbing is an undertaking fueled by the desire to perform harder and harder movements. And sometimes, I just really can't get motivated to push my body to a new level. Then one day, the inspiration to test the boundaries comes back. This cycle is daily to seasonal in my experience. Could have a great day, then a really bad one. Could have a great season, then a really bad one. I do think it's really got a lot to do with psychological health compounded with physical health. They both play a pivotal role in climbing performance.

Agreed. If the body isn't in the right mode (fit, healthy, fed, etc) the flow and physical demand of climbing won't jive. Climbing isn't like a switch that can be turned on. I've always felt at least 40% of climbing is a mental game. Finding a zen like state.

Exactly! Unlike any other physical activity I've ever done. Typically, with exercise, I can push through the beginning and then feel great during and after the workout. With climbing, I just hit a wall (see what I did there?) and can't go on.

😂 truth

The mind has a deep reach into the way we perceive and physically interact with life. It can be limiting and liberating. Ultimately, your conscious has a great deal of power over the subconscious. So there is choice in how you want to proceed. Sometimes it just takes time and focused determination to get over mental barriers. Luck.

It has happened to me with running, back when I used to train for marathons, I realized that you can't really escape those emotions. Body in mind need to be in sync.

So interesting! I'm the exact opposite - I can start a run in a really bad place and push through it and I always feel better by the end of the run! Man, brains are weird ;)

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