Hillary Clinton Claims Climate Change Is Sexist

in #climatechange6 years ago

Content adapted from this Zerohedge.com article : Source

by Tyler Durden

Can climate change be sexist? According to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the answer to that question is an unequivocal yes.

Particularly in the developing world, climate change will force women to shoulder the responsibilities of looking for food, finding firewood and migrating livestock once all of the grass has been transformed into a desert. Unsurprisingly, the fut ure she describes bears an uncanny resemblance to the dystopian future depicted in the "Mad Max" franchise.

It's unclear what responsibilities men will shoulder after the climate catastrophe has arrived in the future envisioned by Clinton.

"I would say that particularly for women, you're absolutely right, they will bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock for your crops are no longer growing, they're burning up in the intense heat that we're now seeing reported across North Africa, into the Middle East, and into India."

"So yes, women once again, will be the primary…primarily burdened with the problems of climate change."

Clinton made these remarks during a speech at Georgetown University this week, where she also griped about how endemic misogyny was responsible for her embarrassing loss to President Donald Trump - continuing with her practice of never accepting responsibly for her failures. In her book "What Happened" - a memoir that was marketed as a mea culpa - Clinton famously blamed Bernie Sanders, the classic 90s comedy "There's Something About Mary" and myriad other factors - for her defeat.

Because as the American people already know too well, nothing is ever Clinton's fault.


Last month, we pointed out that GOP Congressional investigators wrote a letter requesting information from Clinton and other Democrats like former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The investigators were seeking information about their role in disseminating the Steele dossier. Yesterday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley released a heavily redacted letter that nonetheless revealed the existence of a "second dossier" that was distributed to former Mi6 Agent Christopher Steele - the author of the salacious and unverified "Trump dossier" via a Clinton crony.

But we imagine that wasn't her fault, either.

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Thats fine cuz climate change claims Hillary Clinton is retarded.

PS, why the hell is that woman not in jail yet...

I wonder why? Is it because she farts more?

"Particularly in the developing world, climate change will force women to shoulder the responsibilities of looking for food, finding firewood and migrating livestock once all of the grass has been transformed into a desert. Unsurprisingly, the future she describes bears an uncanny resemblance to the dystopian future depicted in the "Mad Max" franchise."

You mean like women have had to do in Moslem Africa since well forever...Take Senegal for instance:

" What I did witness every day was that women were worked half to death. Wives raised the food and fed their own children, did the heavy labor of walking miles to gather wood for the fire, drew water from the well or public faucet, pounded grain with heavy hand-held pestles, lived in their own huts, and had conjugal visits from their husbands on a rotating basis with their co-wives. Their husbands lazed in the shade of the trees."

Why anyone actually listens to a single word spewing out of the corrupt, vile hag known as Hitlery Clinton, escapes my understanding.

i think women are pillar of any state, clinton is best for usa,, i like her, hope hope next president will be clinton, if women wana see , but my vote is to you, it is best post best information,, sir please also check my blog, if you have time

So you want a murderous lying criminal to lead by example for women.....

Play nice. We only believe she is murderous. But it is proven she is a lying criminal, all you need to do is review the various "testimonies" she has made in front of congressional committees. Why isn't she in jail yet? Surely women can find a better role model than her.

I think it's a spammer who didn't even read the article.

I must warn you. Hillary Clinton is not a woman. She is a transgendered monster. Why do you think she is so aggressive? Can you imagine what she'd be like without the estrogen shots?

at the beginning thanks for sharing your posts with us @zer0hedge
and "She talks about women as if they are a separate species. Why would women be primarily affected by climate change? Does she think men are going to sit back when it all comes down and look to women to take care of it? Men are the heavy duty gender of our species, thankfully. One of the benefits of catastrophes is its equal opportunity suffering. No one is spared.

The more she cavils about her election loss the nuttier she sounds. It would have been a horror had she been elected. I shudder at the thought of 4 years of this wackiness. I have to say these women who choose to speak for us are the worst misogynists with so little respect for us. Why would she think that women would not work cooperatively with men to resolve problems? She assumes we are all victims of guys like Bubba

Evidence has been released now of you paying some hacks to invent a Russian pee dossier on your political opponent in order to use government resources to run surveillance on him.

So, yeah, talk about global warming

"women to shoulder the responsibilities of looking for food, finding firewood and migrating livestock"

Women have been doing this for millennia while the men were out hunting, prior to the "recorded history"

they could do the right thing and come clean on their own involvement and testify to their personal experience with Clinton corruption. At the same time the FBI gets off the White Christian Terrorist meme and does something for The People.Infected wound will not heal on its own.
Rip the scab off and clean the crud out.
It would take a President who does not care what popular people think, does not care about ever being elected again, to go in and do what needs to be done. Damn the Media, Full Speed Ahead!.Well, the feminists will have more work to do, because they don't have one of those 'evil' men to help them.
i would like to see if any of those Georgetown girls even know what to do with firewood

Hillary Clinton, you're a retard.

hillary clinton is just whining. At Georgetown, Clinton turned what should have been a noble event honoring women who have suffered through great adversity into a criticism of America.


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