Talking points on Sea-Level Rise Presentation

in #climatechange6 years ago

Cost Estimates
As Kate said the effects of sea level rise will vary geographically so will the Economic Damage Costs associated with sea level rise. Estimates also vary by which climate models are used.
This is still new, different data = different results
Sea-Level Rise is regarded as one of the most costly aspects of climate change but even with such a high cost very few studies have assessed the impacts of SLR globally.
Sea Level Rise is “Likely to produce a combination of gains and losses” There will be some winners but mostly losers.

For a 0.5-m sea-level rise Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007) Estimate
United States ~ $20.4 billion
The IPCC estimates that roughly 1,500 homes in the United States will be lost to coastal erosion each year for several decades, at a cost to property owners of US $530 million/yr
Failing infrastructure
The vulnerability of waste facilities, septic systems, water quality and supply, and roads is a particular concern in many places
the optimal level of protection is against the 1,400-y storm if per capita income and population density are as in German. Hinkel et al 2013
Most are tailored to 100 year storms (Kessler 2011)

Prevention costs
Coastal protection is found to be the least-cost strategy to combat sea-level rise. It's been noted that the annual cost of shoreline protection would increase as sea-level rises, and would range from US$0.3-5.7 million by 2050 to US$0.9-16.8 million by 2100
Several studies suggested that disaster prevention facilities such as coastal dikes, water gates, and drainage systems and coastal protection structures such as seawalls, breakwaters, and groins will become less functional because of sea-level rise and may lose their stability.
Dike capital costs are computed based on the attained dike height, coastal segment length, and dike unit costs and they also calculate the maintenance costs of dikes which are at 1% per annum of the construction costs of the dikes
Higher sea level probably will decrease the effectiveness of breakwaters against wave forces, and wharves may have to be raised to avoid inundation. When such effects are anticipated, countermeasures can be implemented to maintain function and stability. Therefore, the real impacts will occur as an additional expenditure to reinforce the infrastructure.

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