Mysterious Mass Spraying of Nanotech Biosynthetic (AI) "Spider Webs" Continues Across the Planet

in #climatechange7 years ago (edited)

Millions of people around the world have become aware of the phenomenon of overt chemtrail spraying, its detrimental environmental effects, and increasing threat to all life on earth. The sight of chemtrails in our skies is now so prevalent, worldwide, that the existence of geo-engineering can no longer be denied.


Hence, we have the pro-geo-engineering profiteers from Harvard University having to come out last spring and own up to the fact that the powers-that-shouldn't-be have decided to "save us" from the evil sun and the (made-up) problem of "climate change" by spraying the planet literally to death. The Patriot Crier reported the announcement from Harvard professor David Keith, who just also happens to own a geo-engineering start-up company! If you missed it you can read about it here:

Keith expresses the dangers of chem trail mass spraying in his own words, which he calls, "free-riding on our grand-kids":

Here is what a veteran from the United States Navy has to say on the subject:

Many people from all over the world, especially in America, Canada, Australia, Ireland and several Western European countries, have reported seeing unusual web-like material in huge quantities in open fields, forests, even on homes and structures. I, for one, have been seeing this material consistently for three years now on the West Coast of America. It is very thick, sticky and resilient and hard to remove from the skin. It also stretches incredible distances and will remain like that indefinitely if not disturbed.

The material has been identified to be a form of nanotechnology described as synthetic biology and people have linked it to the bio-warfare infection termed Morgellon's Disease. Terry Lawton, an activist from Wexford, Ireland, recently reported on this issue in his excellent Youtube video:

Please support Terry Lawton and learn more at

You can read the NASA document, "The Future of Warfare 2025," by Dennis Bushnell that was widely exposed by the excellent activists at, and which Lawton refers to in his video, here:

The people who experience the effects of Morgellon's Disease go through excruciating physical effects as well as extreme psychological persecution from mainstream medical doctors who have tried to spread the usual propaganda that people are "making it up", even though the obvious lesions on the skin and the fibers protruding from the body cannot be denied.
If you are not familiar with the concept of Morgellon's Disease, here is a video you can watch that explains it:

Many activists and researchers believe that the "spider web" fibers, along with the rest of the particulates being sprayed on populations world-wide are part of the transhumanist agenda to insert bio-tech or synthetic biology into human DNA and, effectively, destroy the sanctity of the human race by rewriting part of the genome or merge our DNA with technology so that we are less human and more part of a centrally controlled artificial intelligence. You can read about the development of this agenda here:

And more on synthetic biology here:

To get into the thick of it, see the long list of development projects DARPA has underway using these technologies:

The transhumanist agenda is being played out through the climate change social engineering campaign. If you are seeing these "spider webs" in your area, feel free to comment below. If you would like to have your local web-like filaments are other chemtrail residues tested or added to an ongoing research project by long-time environmental health researcher Clifford Carnicom, you can contact the non-profit Carnicom Institute here:

Thank you for reading this post. We need to find out the truth of how our planet is being geo-engineered, or, indeed, terra-formed and for what purpose. The clues point towards nefarious plans with dire consequences for all life on Earth. At the very least, humanity is being blocked from receiving the quality of light and Vitamin D and carbon dioxide that our bodies, animals and plant life need to thrive. Don't believe the lies about global warming! We are, in fact, heading for a period of global cooling, which the planet goes through periodically. The global warming period peaked in 1997 and has been cooling since that time. The increased temperatures since then have been geo-engineered by chemtrail spraying.

Climate profiteers have known for two decades have known of the cooling trend and, just as the planet went through several hundred years ago, we can expect some chilly times ahead.


Update: Record cold reported TODAY, November 22, 2017, by the Oppenheimer Ranch Study Project:

Please the Oppenheimer Ranch Research channel for updates on this issue:

Thank you steemians! I would love to hear what you think! Stay warm! Get outside and get some sun!! @dakini5d


Yep, Morgellans is some nasty stuff. We have actually have a couple of cases that I know of here on The big Island. I did a post on it a few months ago. Kigelia actually helps a lot.

I will look into Kigelia-- you should do a post on it!! Thanks for the supportive comments! Have a great holiday weekend.

Yes, I plan too soon. And you are most welcome.

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