Feeling Hot Hot Hot ☀️

in #climate5 years ago

photo 25.jpg

An American flag flapping proudly in the New York sky

I had a bit of a catchup chat yesterday with my brother who lives in New York. Apparently it was so hot there, that the government declared some kind of emergency. People were advised to stay home and keep cool. There were "cooling centres" set up for people who may not have air conditioning at home, or ran into other such situations.

Luckily my brother lives in the suburbs near the coast, so it's not as hot as the inner city. They also have the beach to cool off if things got too hot. This is were I took the photo of the flag above when I was there just over a year ago.

We are gearing up for a bit of a heatwave here too. The UK usually doesn't get as hot as the rest of Europe during these waves. I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps it's because we're on an island. Who knows.

Either way, I'm going to be avoiding travelling on the Underground this week as temperatures head towards 35°C. Down there, it could be a lot warmer. Some of the trains are now air conditioned but most are not. I don't envy anyone that has to travel in rush hour either.

If you live in a tropical country, you can stop laughing at my 35 degrees statement now :)


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.
© adetorrent.com


Over here the kids started fainting, that’s how I knew it was summer. But imagine humidity with the rain and heat . Like a sauna as yo step out the door ( is that how u sleek it lol)

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Lately, New York has been experiencing such hot weather, good news is the government still cares for the people unlike my country where everyone is left to aid for him/herself.

New Yorka Morpheus! ;) Bless BRO

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