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RE: [PROPAGANDA CASE] Climate Change Deniers on Twitter

in #climate-change7 years ago (edited)

3 degrees globally means 3 degrees average.

the ice in south and north will completely be melted with such temperature. simply as that..

so if the temperature is 5 degrees Celsius higher in Sahara... maybe nothing happens... but if the same happens at north or sud where the ice is kept... well you got the idea maybe. did you?

the world will be soon flooded... but no one wants to talk about it... :-)

no... the climate isn't changing.. it's all right... they say.


no... the climate isn't changing.. it's all right... they say.

hahaha climate is changing as I say before, read what I write before saying I made false statements like that... is natural for the weather to change as in the nature everything move and development, it is actually in what everybody is agree with, now, that is man made is what is questionable... and still they are not explanation from you about the differences between local and global temp...

so if the temperature is 5 degrees Celsius higher in Sahara... maybe nothing happens... but if the same happens at north or south where the ice is kept

Sorry but I do not get the idea on that... you are telling me that 3 degrees celsius are different in the equatorial zones than in the poles and I never have hear this, not even when I studied Civil Engineer and was calculating the resistance of material, believe me, we did all the Chemistry 1 and 2, Physics 1 and 2 and Calculus 1, 2, 3 and 4 plus more other stuffs like Topography... not word about a difference between degrees "local and global"... Do you think it is not important for people who will build buildings to know that??? You need it for to calculate moments and strength for to create safety constructions.... more than that I have been near the Poles (kind of, in Sweden) differences of temp of more than 5 degrees, no ice melted around... This Global warming is not science, looks more a religion, not discussion possible because you are right and if I am not agree I am ... anti-science?

Maybe because I do not give anything as a fact and I ask myself the same question 1000 times I am more scientist than you are, even if I am just an artist right now... ;) You should read again what science really is...

Edit : I knew that when you refer to global you were thinking about a average of temp but think again what difference make 3 degrees... or 5 in a normal day by day... logically it should be the same global or local because the temp for to melt Ice is not diferente globally or locally as far as I know, means 3 or now 5 if you want ( temp in your writing is going up ;) ) will actually act the same over the Ice... as I say before, show me numbers from a "not questionable" source... after that we can continue debating about all this :) Not just the always story of "there is global warming because I say it and if you do not believe me without questioning you are anti-science"

This Global warming is not science, looks more a religion, not discussion possible because you are right and if I am not agree I am ... anti-science?

"you are anti-science !!!"

no. :-) really?? I would never say that.. and in fact I didn't did I?

I am not the kind of person who thinks like that... but you are free to picture me however you want :-).

So Anti Science? NO. but I know there could be around guys that thinks earth is flat... but hey... it's not our case.. is it?

Human Generated Climate Change

Do we need science to understand such a question? NO.

Climate Change CANNOT be - per se - generated by human

Climate have Cycles of Perpetual Change... running for millions of years...Up and Down :-)

So yes Climate Change is not generated by Humans - BUT- does this mean human have no contributed to increase the temperature? NO. Our civilization factories around the globe are producing huge quantities of CO2, that CO2 makes possible the accumulation of more heat within the planet atmosphere with a phenomenon that is called greenhouse effect . but you know about greenhouse effect , right? do you believe it is as well some kind of religion/or cult? :-)

The greenhouse effects... OH! Sorry I though were the oceans the max contributors to the "Efecto invernadero" (in spanish I do not know the name in english) wit the water vapor, the gas with more "greenhouse" effect... but hey!... as far as I see now you are agree with me that is all just a nature process....
Sad you can not talk spanish but anyway... and still not seeing any numbers at all from you just some funny intents to take me down because you are an "Scientist" and I am not ;)

Pd: Just realize now that "Greenhouse " means Invernadero in spanish :P but I will leave what I wrote, it is ok, english is not my mother language and I am fine with that :D

Pdd: My flat earth comment was a joke about the UNO logo... I do not believe in that but the UNO really have the map of the flat earth in the logo hahahahaha lol! :D

so CO2 have no impact at all?

I am pretty sure it have like when we cut autoctonal forest in the Amazonia or when we fuck our seas and oceans with pollution... but not in the way they are saying... that just mean more taxes, what is really important... money money my friend... This is the normal standard? In what world are you living? ;)

You didn't convinced me to ignore CO2.

Is CO2 irrelevant in your opinion for temperature change?

I do not think it is irrelevant but a part of many factors together with the natural development of the nature. But not that it is the baddest reason and we have to suffer a limited life (you have less rights to many things) and pay money because of it (not to do stuff to mitigate this in an industrial level but put normal people to pay money in taxes of everything. What they eat,buy, uses for transportation. Everything is taxed for CO2 emissions. Really?).... But you know what is tax free? To buy a stupid Tesla car? Really? you do not eat or drink a car as far as I know.

Look what is news today... Because money from the american taxpayers is out countries are going also out of the famous "Paris Pact"... Can you see what I mean now?

I spoke about the language before (that you can not speak spanish) because some friends and I made a docu film about the Mapuches, aborigens from Chile who fight for to conserve the autoctonal forrest... I was there and I saw what is happening...
Do you know the big companies cut the autoctonal forest to plant eucalyptus and pine for the wood industry? Do you know that this trees consume 100 and 150 liters of water everyday and do not conserve the humidity of the terrain? Do you know that after this companies cuts the trees nothing can grow there because there is not water at all in this zones after... and I am talking about 100s of kms.... the terrain need at least 10 or 15 years to regenerate itself... This created deserts could also be a reason for zones of the earth getting warm, think about it, losing his natural water. Reason why they are fighting and are considered terrorist for the chilean government... and this happens not only in Chile.
Do you want to know what's happens when you fight against corporations who fuck the planet?

This documentation is in spanish but if you want to see what happens go to the minute 26 and take a look ....

parlo Italiano... sara' una passeggiata!! se capisce..

He talk in some moment about the water, that they fight to maintain the water in the earth... water=freshnes=not-so-warm but with the deforestation you get less water so.... maybe, just maybe this could be also one of the reasons why the temps also could go up on the planet but is not a good one for the wood industry... I never did hear about it, just that the trees give oxygen and that's it. They never talk about the water under the trees :)

Edit: also, less trees, less oxygen in the air and more CO2 because the trees take the CO2 (day time of course) to change it in oxygen when they do photosynthesis... something more to look about it

And about anti-science.. I was not talking about you, was more when you try to talk about this topics and you are not agree with what the "system" established say is correct then you are blablabla... and this is anti-science and is what happens with this Global Warming Man Made stuff... Man, realize that you pay a lot of taxes because of that...not the government, YOU! And normal people like you. Edit: and me :)

But if you work have to do with all this..Well, well, of course I understand you should defend the theory... You have to eat like everybody ;) And there is a lot of money pushed into it... if you say yes of course... I am not implying you do it, let's be clear, I am just saying that can happens... and It happens actually

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