Dtube clean up on my local beach with @cleanplanet

Early morning and I had to go check the local surf.

But every time I do, I try and bring an old plastic bag to pick up any trash found on the beach. Can't be having dirty beaches can we!?

This initiative is lead by @cleanplanet. Where they potentially reward you for keeping your local area clear of trash. I highly recommend to everyone to join them in the endeavors

There is national level surf contest over this weekend. I will be out filming lots and the quality of surfing shall be very good.

Have a great one,


▶️ DTube

I would have loved to see you in action, I got the audio to work but for some silly reason I couldn't see anything but the thumbnail. Sounded great though! I heard those bags a fillin'! <3 <3

Good morning @lyndsaybowes and thank you for you support. I am sorry you couldn't see the video. What browser are you using and I know dtube is still quite new. I do a weekly clean up post.

Hey, thanks for the reply, I'm using chrome, though I do have firefox I could try! Usually dtube works for me, just a little hiccup today.

Yeah I get that too on occasion with Dtube, but all good now. I am just posting up week 19 of the surf photo contest I run. Great to see awesome ocean photos. Everyone gets to vote :)

Congratulations @intrepidsurfer !
You 've just been upvoted by @cleanplanet.
You accumulate cleaner's points related to your reputation level with each vote of @cleanplanet.

The total points in real time can be see at this LINK
Keep it up and you'll get the biggest AIR DROP possible.

Oh thank you so much @cleanplanet I am checking out the website now :)

Very encouraging note for the recruitment of new cleaners from around the world. You have a personality that can bring crowds together for the cause.

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