Steemit's Best Classical Music Roundup [Issue #19]

in #classical-music7 years ago (edited)

Finding and sharing the best classical music content on steemit!

Jan 14,2018: In this issue:

  1. What's new and important?
  2. Roundup issue #19
  3. Metrics
  4. What is this initiative?
  5. How you can help
Image Source:, License: CC0, Public Domain

1. What's new and important?

  • A request to content creators: I spend a great deal of time trying to chase down the rights for the original videos that people share here. It's not always easy because the same person might have a different name on their web page and yet another name on their youtube channel. I may not always get it right, but I try. I really don't want to accidentally give someone else credit for your work. The easier you make it for me to verify that you are the original creator, the more likely you are to get shared on Facebook and included in our Roundup post. One way to make it easy to verify is to link to your steemit profile from the description of your youtube video, and to add a note about licensing in the video description. Also, if an item has already been posted elsewhere on the web, when you repost, please describe your relationship with the original content.

  • We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the content creators who are helping the #classical-music related posting genres to grow on steemit.

  • We would also like to express our gratitude to our Facebook audience for sharing and "Liking" our posts to help raise steemit awareness around the classical music community on facebook.

2. Roundup issue #19

In the time since our last roundup post, there have been 35 new articles posted in the categories that we monitor, and we have shared 7 posts from those and other categories on the Steemit's Best Classical Music Facebook page.

Here are the articles that we shared on Facebook. Be sure to click through and vote for the ones that are still eligible for payout!!!

AuthorTitlePotential Payout DateReward Sharing Potential
@cmp20207 of My Own Compositions to Kick Off the New Yearexpireddeclined
@antonireviewsMozart's Die Zauberflöte 2010 Album Reviewexpired1/6
@timspeerCarl Czerny - Etude in C (piano)expired1/6
@byrongrantA Song of Joy (Sketches for a new piano work)Jan 161/6
@somtowA preview of Opera Siam's upcoming 17th seasonJan 181/6
@joeridamianFrom the archive #1: I once scored a movie soundtrack as practiceexpired1/6
@drewleyChopin Prelude in E minor, Op. 28 No 4Jan 161/6

As with our previous roundup posts, each of these authors will receive a proportional share of this roundup post's liquid author rewards (Steem and SBD, not SteemPower).

(note: Although we don't currently envision changing this practice, this reward distribution is subject to change without notice, at our sole discretion.)

3. Metrics

This section contains some metrics that we will be tracking as time goes on.

DateSteemit Followers# posts in monitored categories, last 7 daysFB LikesFB Reach
Aug 26, 201763373092
Sep 23, 20178941341
Sep 28, 201793223482
Oct 22, 2017101213343
Jan 2, 2018120273722
Jan 8, 2018123353831
Jan 14, 2018130353910

4. What is this initiative?

To introduce the wider community to, we have launched the facebook page, Steemit's Best Classical Music, and we are monitoring a number of classical music related categories (and others) on steemit. We share the best posts that we find about classical music on our facebook page.

The point of this is to raise steemit awareness and visibility among people on facebook who share an interest in classical music. Additionally, to bring additional attention to the best articles and authors that we find, we recently began sharing periodic roundup articles here on steemit.

Sharing guidelines

Standards for sharing are subjective, but here are some guidelines to show the kinds of the things that we look for:

  • Original steem blockchain content
  • Attractive formatting
  • Well written grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.
  • Roughly 500 to 2,000 words in length
  • English language text (Sorry, that's the only one we know.)
  • Supplementary video embeds from other platforms - such as youtube - are encouraged when accompanied by original steem block chain content.
  • Word length expectations will be relaxed for videos of original performances or compositions by the steemit author.
  • Sharing of articles by a single author will be limited to one or two per week.
  • To avoid spamming our facebook audience, sharing on facebook will generally be limited to one or two posts per day.

5. How you can help.

This initiative is intended to promote steemit, and to strengthen the classical music ecosystem here, so if you share these goals we would appreciate your support! Here are some ways you can help:

  • Contribute your own original content about classical music to the steem block chain.
  • If you have a facebook account, "Like" the Steemit's Best Classical Music Facebook page, and adjust the settings to see all of our posts.
  • Reshare articles from our facebook page with your facebook friends.
  • Resteem our roundup articles.
  • Use your upvotes to support the authors of articles that we find and share.
  • Let us know if there are any articles that we have overlooked.
  • Delegate steempower to the @classical-music account to give weight to our votes for authors of classical content.
  • Follow the @classical-music curation trail through
  • This is a user driven initiative with no whale support, and we're making it up as we go, so we enthusiastically welcome your ideas.

Thank you for your continued support and for taking the time to view this post!



Thank you for starting this account! I used to play classical music as a kid/teen and will be posting my videos on DTube now. What you're doing is really great, keeping classical music alive is important because it has history and tradition!

I look forward to seeing your DTube posts!

Thanks for the great work on supporting classical music!

By the way, just a question. I've been searching Steemit for a classical music community, but haven't found one. Is there any here or on Discord?

Hi, unfortunately I'm not aware of a community like that. However, I am not really familiar with Discord or other chat services, so there might be something that I'm missing.

I see. Thanks anyway!

Thanks for doing this! There really is very little in the way of Classical music here on Steemit. This account is an account for @musicapoetica, an Early Music (Baroque) ensemble in Netherlands. Hopefully, in the coming days we will start posting a couple of videos and music to the Steemit community.

What is the best way to get your attention when we post?

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