Parental Alienation - Stop The Abuse!

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I recently found that I've been suffering at the hands of an "Alienating Parent" this might not seem like a big deal but this person has managed to steal my child from birth, give him someone else's last name, violate my civil and constitutional rights, ruin my credit, persecute me for nearly a decade and push unlawfully to convict me over non-support.

If you don't know who I AM, I'll start with I'm with God. I'm an ordained minister, anointed by Father God, called into service, blessed beyond measure and asked to write and show others The Way leading to life. Its not been an easy task.

I realize I couldn't have become who I AM without suffering this so I'm not upset but the reason I share is because the system of The State of Texas, backed by the government of The United States has been condoning this behavior for a decade now. Something has to change.

For anyone unaware what an alienating parent is its this;

The alienating parent will try to program the child (and others) to dislike, hate, or fear the target parent. By causing the child (and others) to disown or distance themselves away from the target parent, the alienating parent may, in the end, cause a very distrustful and emotionally scarred child.

The goal may be achieved, but not with the desired results of the alienating parent. Many times, the child, without hope, will turn on both parents and never be able to have trusting, loving relationships in his/her life.

Alienators are cunning in their ways and will do almost anything to achieve their goal and this often includes making false allegations. Obsessed alienators operate from a delusional system where every cell of their body is committed to destroying the other parent's relationship with the child. (and others)

If you've been contacted by anyone doing this you are urged to contact The Attorney Generals Office of Texas and let them know what you've experienced.

This type of behavior needs to stop. #StopChildAbuse


Never would've thought myself an advocate for Civil Rights and Parental Rights but yet here we are, standing up for whats right.

I AM suffering for the sake of righteousness as our "Supposed" government and civil systems do little to nothing but perpetuate the cycle. (someone's getting paid yet nothings getting resolved)

The government spends the taxpayers money to cover the cost the state accrues as it supports the county who incarcerates the debtor. Meanwhile the debtor goes into more debt, coupled with interest and ultimately branded a criminal for being unable to get out of the trap the "Supposed" government created in the first place.

You have to see the irony. In wanting to solve something that has nothing to do with money they created a money issue over personal debt (that goes directly against the constitution of the united states) All this in order to try and solve a side affect that stems from a spiritual battle.

How well do you know The Word of God? Better yet, how well does anyone govern themselves without The Righteousness of God? God clearly told us we do not war against one another but with spiritual beings from higher realms.

The battle and the solution is spiritual in nature.

The solution is stop sinning. Stop putting anything before God. This includes the love of money and the hatred sanctioned by the civil systems of this world.

The kingdom of heaven is upon you

Also, I just signed this petition, please sign it and pass this message along. Thank you, God bless you

Professional psychology is failing targeted parents and their children who are experiencing the attachment-related family pathology of "parental alienation" following divorce. Parents and children are losing their bonds of shared love and affection, families are being destroyed, and children are being psychologically abused and irrevocably damaged by the pathology of "parental alienation" surrounding divorce.

This petition to the American Psychological Association seeks the APA's active support in reaffirming its commitment to the standards of professional competence set forth in its ethics code, to ensure the proper assessment, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment of attachment-related family pathology surrounding divorce.

Thanks for signing the petition!

#ParentalAlienation #TellingTheTruth #TheyTurnedABlindEye #TimeToShineOnTheDark #ItsTimeForResolution #Suffering #ForRighteousness #CivilRights #Divorced looking for #Life #Liberty #America #WakeUpWorld #ChildAbuse #BattleOfGoodVsEvil #DoWhatsRight #StandUpright #PutGodFirst #FatherGod #JesusChrist and #TheHolySpirit #Author #Writer #Minister #AttorneyGeneralsOffice #UnitedStatesCivilCourts #DistricAttorneysOffice #TheUSConstitution #CivilLiberty #CivilRights

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