Are you angry yet?

in #civil3 years ago

Are you angry yet?
Did they make you angry when you realized they where programmen ya?
Did you get angry when they made you fearful for nothing? Was it then?
Did you feel afraid?
I probably made you afraid too
because I was afraid
and then I got sick
and I wasn't afraid after that
...all of a sudden the mandates
and the rules...
Lost a good job...
Cause of a cough and just insanity at it all
Then I found a good job I loved
and... I took care of people
I was helping...
I was doing something important
Then they took that too
They took my live music
They took my voice
They took friends and family
I complied! I complied!
.... I complied because they made me afraid
I watched them kill off the elderly systematically
and then suddenly it was the "unvaccinated's" fault
I was so afraid.... that even though I had just healed from vaccine injury a year before
Well even so I was willing to do my part for mankind
After all they had been programming me since I was old enough to sit in front of a screen... to do as I was told
So I did as I was told
I toted the party line
LIke the sheep in Animal Farm
I helped spread the fear
and because I was afraid I was angry
But honestly....
It was all off
I was embroiled in 1930s history books
....This is how the Nazi youth came about
....This is how they segregated society
....We dehumanized/moralized/and complied then
Wars coming.
But for the first time....
and I am afraid to say it
We will see blood on our own hands
Just as our grandparents did
You can smell it
It's cresting the hill
The gun powder is in the air again
People will be willing to spill blood
They will spill blood when they realize they have been fooled
Money MOney MONEY
they fooled us for money
and I watched healthy seniors get so sick
I watched them fire people
I watched them ask me to gate keep for them
I watched them deny unvaxxed seniors aid
I watched them create medical apartheid
They got all the left wing Karens on their side
And those Karens feel so good about their rage
Justified in they're rage
Somehow this crisis gave them purpose and "Moral standing"
They needed those likes...
THey needed to feel morally superior
Not realizing they became the gatekeepers to normal
They gatekeep mostly minorities and poor people now
....I remember that poor man that froze to death outside a homeless shelter in porta potty
Wonder how many stories like that they will cover up this winter...
Cause and effect
and they are lying about the effects
But I will be canceled for denying the narrative
People need to cancel you now
We just go around canceling people
Cause we are so afraid
...that we might be wrong
It comes from fear
and that is what they feed us

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