Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

in #cityscapephotography7 years ago (edited)

Last week I came across the Leonardo da Vinci's biography which was recently published, written by Walter Isaacson.

I am enjoying the reading so far. It has reminded me of my history lessons from high school and furthermore of the trip to Vinci and Florence.

Immediately going through my files, I found beautiful photos I took there.

Today, I want to share with you a photograph from Florence as it fits in perfectly with the @juliank's #cityscapephotography contest.


Have a wonderful Tuesday :)


Nice shot, I love the dominance of the landscape by the cathedral. Do you happen to know the name of it?

Thank you. I like it too. The cathedral name is ''Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore'', which you can tell from the title of the post. The city is Florence in Italy.

I just saw that now that you mentioned it lol I guess I was too sucked into the picture to notice! Now I'm embarrassed...

Lol that's alright. I thought about mentioning it in the post but then I thought that the title speaks for itself anyway. I will keep that in mind for my future posts ;)

Lovely photo! But more over I'm so happy you found my page. I love connecting with fellow travelers. I see we have quite a bit in common. I see in your other post you are starting a new job. I wonder what kind of job that is and where you are located not. I'm parked in Guayaquil Ecuador for the time being as I work on my blog. But I'm soon heading south to Peru, bolivia, paragua, chili, argentina...we'll atleast that is the plan for the next few months.

Wish I could have up-votted you more than 20%, I've just been bleeding out my voting power so bad lately. But I'm gonna go a head and put you on my bot and make sure to check in from time time. Have a great day! -Dan

Thank you @world-travel-pro. It means a lot to hear these words from you. I am not such active traveler, especially now that I am working on my study and work. I admire your lifestyle and enthusiasm. Also your blog.
I am starting a job as a Research Student in a petrochemical laboratory here in Edmonton in Alberta. I am looking forward to it as it is one of the possible careers I can have as a chemical technologist. I was working in a refinery during this summer and I enjoyed the work. Now I have this one year opportunity before graduating next year.
I wish you good luck on your adventures and am looking forward to your blogs. You are doing a wonderful job and do not worry about the upvotes too much. Don't get me wrong, of course, I like the rewards. But, most of all, it means a lot to me when I see that people take time to actually read my work and see my photographs rather than just click on the upvote.
Take care,

Thank you for the detailed response. It truly makes me feel like you are a real person other than just a handle name @k4r1nn. I think you have a great plan and I totally respect your enthusiasm to peruse a career in chemical tech. Wow! That stuff is way over my head.

I'm really appreciative of your kind words. Yes I've chosen quite a unique path in life. Living out of a backpack for over 11 years now! But I wouldn't change it for the world.

As far as up-votes. I wouldn't say I'm concerned or worried about them. I just want those who support me to know they are greatly appreciated. You are greatly appreciated along with the little guys with no SP but just enjoy my blog and frequent it often.

My experience here has been deeply rewarding in many ways, and I'm looking forward to keeping up with you Karen, as a great steemit friend! I'll be in-touch! -Dan

very good and beautiful photo you @k4r1nn

First of all, the picture is really beautiful. Seeing nicely all the details through Abg What is the @juliank's #cityscapephotography contest?

He is holding photo contests every day where anyone can participate. You can take a look here. Also, the chosen photos are visible daily on @photocontests page. Check it out!

It is a stunning shot @k4r1nn! Have a great Tuesday!

Beautiful photo. The cathedral is also known as Il Duomo "The Dome." It was the largest dome ever constructed up to that time in the 15th Century. Brunelleschi was the architect.

Thanks for additional info. It is an amazing piece of art.

This is lovely. So nice to use this contest to search our memory files and revisit old moments.

Btw, I noticed that today my posts for the contest haven’t been registered with @juliank @photocontests so I wonder if it’s operational? Looks like it is ignoring your post also...

I am not sure what was happening with those accounts. It seems to be okay now. However, I participate regardless the rewards. It is very nice to see when my photography is chosen to be one of the winners. It means I did a good job. The reward is only symbolic.

Me too, it’s a good incentive to play. Although I don’t wanna lose my xp! ;)

What is that? I never really gave it a closer look.

Every time you make a photo for the contest, or 5 comments on a contest-tagged photo, you are awarded 5 XD points. Then you gain levels, and each level increases the upvote multiplier for the bot on your post. Any day you don’t post, you lose 25% of the multiplier.

It’s addictive to keep up with stats!

Sya sangat suka post anda.terlihat begitu menawan.

Saya senang Anda menyukainya.

Wow very beautiful photography
Thanks @k4r1nn
Have a nice day

It looks great...........

Really beautyfull day & photo.I am enjoying the reading and place.
Thanks @k4r1nn
Have a nice day

Thanks for taking the time!

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