Bajai Life Camp 18.16: Day 528

in #citylife6 years ago

Bajai Life Camp 18.16: Day 528
Friday November 16, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
182.4 lbs.
28.91% contemplative

I can smell in my sleep. That is to say, sometimes, in my dreams I can smell things. The most memorable smell is body odor. There's a distinct body odor that comes from people who live in the street; in the wild, as it were. Why do I know this smell?

Because I lived in Philadelphia and worked in what you might call, "jail."

Most Philadelphians know this smell, or something like it. The smell of piss under a bridge, or as you enter the subway concourse. The smell of festering feet, dirty hair and the rotting teeth of the un-cared-for. The junkies. The neglected. The escaped.

20181116_City Diner.png

Sometimes these smells wake me up at night because I think it's me. I sniff-sniff for the offending body part, but can't find it. I drift back to sleep, satisfied, for the time being, that it's not me. However, I make a mental note to have a shower in the morning... just in case.

I'm not drinking enough water.

For some reason I felt I needed a meditative nap before I headed out to the Y, but I don't think it made me stronger.

Running across the street stressed my chest and that's a signal that I need more cardio.

The rounds have returned to normal. They were muddy for a while and a lot of Jupiter action happening.

I think I'm ready to set up my page for business - so to speak. This way I won't be sending people all over cyber-creation to see my stuff. Ironically I'm centralizing in an era of decentralization.

Today 5x5 protocol at the Y. We will begin with squats. My shoulders are recovering from and adapting to military presses.

On my website, latest flick, mix, and fave videos from my sources.


Warm-up... but no burpees. It was adequate. Round one - squats. Pushed to 185 lbs. But the squats weren't deep.

Round two - bench press. I stayed below my bodyweight. My ego won't allow me to remember how little weight I pushed. I advanced 5-10 lbs per set. A good, strategic way to advance with sore shoulders and a two year gap.

Round three - bent row, supinated grip. I went light here too. Light and slow.

Round four - military presses. This is what I believe have my shoulders fighting I hit'em hard, but not too hard. I started higher and finished with a solid 95 lb set of five. I must also remember the lower back has to keep up with the shoulders. I don't want another battle with sciatica.

Round five - leg extensions. Started at 110 and advanced to 190. Left knee was clicking and feeling weak, but it came around.

The issue with the left knee continues.

Hanging lower abs work to wrap it up then out into the cold the weather.

So far, missed meet up, wrong time, but we may catch up, still.

Omelette at City Diner, broad and south streets. Not as good as Broad Street Diner. Ticket at the African American museum. Open mic. I have images in mind. I think I look like a bum but I can feel vibes. I could be receiving them wrong. The bummy look might be in. I just can't get up the interest to "date." I should seek out a program. Ha ha.

Tired of going on these wild goose chases. No more cold meet ups. Of course my "19:30" may still show up. Got a Yuengling here at Nicks. It doesn't taste as good as I remember. It's from the tap.


Doug shows up about 45 minutes late... it was good to see him, but time was short. Jere shows up shortly after. Another beer for me, but then Jere and I have to jet back to the original spot of the art reception that was celebrating 46 years. Wow! The timing was perfect to witness a friend receive an award of appreciation.

Got in at a decent hour. Ciao

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