
Listen, I don't have a problem to present your fine works as they are. But you wanted help to publish your book. Why don't you help yourself? What's the stubbornes game?

Then the data is all in book if I can make the book, but I'm just trying to make everything as possible simply I can. I do not want people in my numbers look, I just what that all review my pictures and say what they see. This is more important to me. So I myself am taking pictures , I do not look at numbers, since it bothers me. When I film use, I have to do it, because then I can not be deleted if something does not like for me. I hope it is ok what I say, And I ma not mad that you ask. :)) I am very happy that you ask :) and I'm trying to put some numbers when I but new images up...if I not forget, what I usually do.

If you have a photo from your Sony, you have EXIF. And nobody will be bothered by the data alongside photos. Who doesn't like numbers, won't look at them. Just as that kind of people won't read your text before the photo of the title you write at the top.

But THE MAJORITY which like your photos will be grateful for a chance to know how did you make them. And that is going to be rewarded. Don't you understand that?

Yes I know What you say and think :))

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