Citizen Finance - A gaming platform

in #citizenfinance3 years ago

Decentralized systems provide a lot of benefits for the society as a whole, and more upcoming projects use this as a medium to better individuals' lives. #defi Meanwhile, centralized or traditional systems look for ways where they can take from the community without giving back. An example of such centralized systems is the gaming system among others. #cefi Gamings platforms are used to a concept known as in-game assets which players can use to do certain activities ONLY on the platform, which is not to be so. But, this decentralized gaming platform, Citizen Finance offers different use cases of in-game assets, making them propperly address the rights of gamers. #citizens Use cases of Citizen Finance's game assets

Citizen Finance is the connection there is between Game finance and the true possession of in-game assets by players. #citizenfinance Tradittional finance do not offer in-game assets the way decentralized gaming platforms do. Citizen Finance also relates blockchain to gaming, while providing player with complete ownership of these assets. #ownership They can decide to do whatever they wish with their assets without holdings back. This does not usually happen in traditional gaming platforms, and the DeFi world likes to make things seamless for its members, so they have come up with a way to make things easier for gamers.

The owning of these assets could also be described as pertaining to Human Rights(right to property), because, since the players have purchased these in-game assets, they are supposed to have full control over it, and not to an extent. Properties in this case includes the in-game assets as long as it has been purrchased with their players' money through the game currency. Property rights include right of control, right of disposition, right of possession etc which the players do not have in traditional aspect of gaming. This is one of the biggest challenge that tradittional gaming platforms battle with till now.

  • Playing of games. The in-game assets can be used to play the platform's gaming application(Meta City FPS game).
  • Trade for other crypto: Players can decide to exchange their in-game assets for a crypto at any point.
  • Stake the in-game assets: In-game assets that have not yet been used to trade or play games on Meta City, can be used - to stake in decentralized pools, and rewards will be in the platform's token, CIPHI.

The platform is run on Binance Smart Chain, which is known to be a popular and genuine blockchain to be invollved in, although it doesn't exclusively matter on the popularity of a blockchain platform before choosing it for your platform. #bsc Some popular blockchain platforms might not fit into the space which you have created for your business model, and it might end up destroying the great plans one might have for the project. It is therefore necessary to take time in choosing a blockchain platform that agrees with a platform's busines model.

Citizen Finance alows citizens to withdraw the in-game assets which have been left untouched, and also stake it in a DeFi pool where they will earn CIPHI tokens for doing so. #ciphi All these processes of withdrawing in-game assets and transfering to a pool will involve a lot of GAS fees. So, it is now necessary @Citizen Finance to look out for a blockchain platform where the GAS fees are low, and can ofer fast transactions for their community. #blockchain The best blockchain platform that comes to mind is the Binance Smart Chain, which is the current blockchain they operate on. #bsc

A GameFi Venture In the new DeFi Model

It can serve as a collateral. For players who want to borow on a lending protocol, they can use their in-game assets as their colateral. The use of NFTs are supported Citizen Finance, and its usage will serve as a great way to handle them through the platform.

Citizen Finance introduction of NFTs for in-game assets is generally to progress certifiable obligation regarding game assets and enable players to authentically exchange assets among one and another. Binance Smart Chain-Omnipressence isn't the essential intriguing point while accepting a blockchain network. The primary intriguing point is "if the blockchain discovers a route into your strategies and movement". There are various blockchain out there all reassuring the accompanying gigantic thing concerning advancement and asignment. There is no vulnerability that each blockchain is remarkablee in its own particular way yet not all game plans can discover a path into each blockchain.

Citizen Finance as a Gamefic show offers players the decision to pull out their unused in-game assets (non-fungible token) and stake on decentralized pools where they can gain Ciphi (CIFI) token. This framework will result to visit withdrawalls and stores all through the climate where customers will spend a huge load of gas charge. Acepting a blockchain with less gas charge and speedy trade was our fundamental need while picking a blockchain. Inhabitant Finance is bringing something new into the utilities of in-game assets. We decided to accept the Binance keen chain network since it is direct, ease gas charge, spedy trade and besides similar to the Ethereum blockchain.

Where will CiPHi Token use?

CIPHI token might be utilized to search for NFT withinside the optional market, it very well might be utilized:

as charge for dispatching your own skins withinside the Meta City sport, the CIPHI token might be utilized as charge for the utilization of the CifiPowa repressentations supervisor to make and change picture masterpieces, the CIPHI token might be utilized for having a wagered in decentralized liquidity pools, the CIPHI token might be utilized withinside the loaning convention, CIPHI token might be utilized for in-sport publicizing. Also, the Citizen Finance adventure intends to support the Meta City shooter gamers through productive them for their enthusiastic interest withinsiide the game. Meta City gamers can be equiped for convert Meta play cash into CIPHI tokens on the cost of one Meta = 0.01 CIPHI.The Citizen Finance adventure group intends to circulate

CIPHI tokens as follows:

88% of the in general convey of CIPHI tokens will now not, at this point input the flowing convey promptlly, anyway continuously, withinside the technique for mining,
10% of CIPHI tokens allocated for pre-deal
1% allocated to safeguard liquiditty, for you to be frozen for a half year
10% of CIPHI tokens are allocated for the Citizen Finance adventure team, while most straightforward 10% of this amount can be acqquired through the group on the actual beginning of the endeavor dispatch,

For abundance and airdrop, the group apportioned 1% of the generally speaking gave CIPHI tokens.

The monetary arangement of the Citizen Finance adventure is coordinated in such a way that from the profit of each client (for instance, capitalize on Staking), an expense of 5% is charged, that is despatched to the Project Treasury, and afterward it's far administered among the standard group of stage designers, aditional engineers (consultants) and reward pool.To blast the charge of the CIPHI token, the Citizen Finance adventure team is making arrangements a month-to-month buyback of CIPHI tokens. For those reasons, the endeavor team will apportion 20% of the constructions month-to-month income. At the indistinguishable time, half of the reclaimed CIPHI tokens can be scorched, and the end half can be despattched to the recognition pool. This will keep till the general assortment of tokens consumed is more noteworthy than 50,000 CIPHI.As we can see, expensive companions, the Citizen Finance tokenomics are altogether thought out and utilizing the CIPHI token has a totally broad assortment of utilizations. This way that there'll constantly be sufficient call for the CIPHI token, and the month-to-month buyback of CIPHI tokens, for you to be performed throug the Citizen Finance adventure team, will help blast the charge of this token.

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