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RE: On Cities : A New Formula for the Public Realm

in #cities7 years ago

Your idea is awesome. But it seems like a utopia for me. Leaders of the world would be scared to give so much power to the people. Democracy is actually no democracy at all because all the power lies in centralized spheres anyway. People only unite when their lives are threatened and even then they have to realize it first. Also if you wanted to give such powers to the people you would need to educate them. Information literacy is non-existent and I think it´s vital to educate people about what kind of power would lie in their hands and their responsibilities. The other way around is rather dangerous and at this time, as far as I´m concerned, only possible in “minor” projects like Steemit. It´s only matter of time until there will be effort to control the decentralized places too by the world leaders. Then again there is HUGE potential in projects like Steemit and if people at those places unite, they could fight against the efforts of control. It’s just a brainstorm let me know what you think :).


It's a very good brainstorm ;) ... it is utopic in many ways. Most say that getting paid for posts out of thin air seems pretty utopic, but... here we are!

You wouldn't be able to just release this new control/power structure on the world. You'd have to strategically phase it into existence. I'm definitely not an economist or political scientist either... I think in terms of public space and urban planning. There would have to be metrics in place to support some sort of voice-expertise-hierarchy... maybe the upcoming Steemit Communities feature will give us insight into how this could work! Dream (steem?) BIG!

You are right! I will definitely check your project out after i replenish my energy. You have caught my attention.

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