Why circumcision is good for your health

in #circumcision7 years ago


  1. Circumcision alters living conditions of microorganisms living on the penis.
  2. It prevents balanitis by making the glans drier and less sensitive.
  3. It reduces the risk of penile cancer in men and cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Circumcision is a popular religious practice that represents a small sacrifice to God. While this religious practice has been ardently followed across the world, there is little attention paid to the immense health benefits it has.

Circumcision refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin i.e. the tissue that covers the head of a man’s penis. If you are about to have your son circumcised for religious reasons, here are some more reasons why you should go ahead with the ceremony.

Reduced risk for UTIs
UTIs are a common occurrence in our society today. Studies say that circumcised men are the least likely to suffer from UTI; in fact, they experience reduction in the lifetime risk for UTIs. Findings from a meta-analysis of 22 students that examined the single risk factor of lack of circumcision for the development of UTI showed that baby boys who are not circumcised tend to have a 10-fold higher risk for contracting UTIs in their first year of life and 23 percent increased risk of UTIs throughout their lifetime.

Reduced risk of STDs
It has been for long established by researchers and experts that circumcision prevents or reduces the risk for STDs, but they did not know why until a new study came up with the aspects of the theory. The study done by researchers at George Washington University found that circumscribing a baby boy keeps him protected from even the severest of STDs like HIV. This is because the procedure alters the living conditions of microorganisms living on the penis.

Prevention of balanitis
Balanitis refers to the inflammation of foreskin as well as the glans i.e. the head of the penis. So, when the foreskin is removed i.e. two-thirds of the skin of the penis, the glans toughens up as a result of constant rubbing on bedding or clothing. This makes the area dry and therefore, less sensitive, eventually preventing Balanitis from developing.

Reduced risk of penile or prostate cancer
Circumcision ensures that there is a way reduced risk for developing penile cancer in men and cervical cancer in female sex partners. According to an article published in the American Cancer Society, circumcision before a man’s first sexual encounter with a woman had about 15 percent reduced risk for prostate cancer when compared with uncircumcised men.

Even though circumcised men run a far lower risk of contracting diseases because they are fairly protected from a lot of unhealthy and bad bacteria, they must maintain good genital hygiene. And, so should uncircumcised men.


Most of the claims you mention are seriously flawed and have been debunked. But even if we grant them for the sake of argument, the prepuce has withstood the test of natural selection. Whatever detriments that the prepuce poses are necessarily outweighed by the benefits conferred by it. You would need to show some mechanism within natural selection which is causing the prepuce to be retained in spite of what you believe is a net determent. Natural selection has quirks such as evolutionary path dependency, which could be argued. The prepuce however, exhibits a range of variation in length, and there is therefore a very clear, and short, evolutionary path to eliminate it. Natural selection is by orders of magnitude the grandest, and most definitive “study,” and the results are clear. Thus the removal of the prepuce is necessarily detrimental to the victim—and no amount of data from pro-mutilation doctors can show otherwise. The real question that should be studied, is what are the detrimental effects of male genital mutilation.

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