The Man Who Killed Don Quixote - Trailer

in #cinema6 years ago (edited)

The dulled advertising director Toby (Adam Driver) is in Spain, there to turn off a commercial. When he meets an old shoemaker (Jonathan Pryce) who believes in the legendary fictional character Don Quixote, this is the beginning of a hair-raising adventure for the two. Among other things, Toby has to deal with the fact that a film he shot in his youth had tragic consequences for the inhabitants of a small Spanish village and changed their lives forever. Toby tries to find a way to make up for his actions and finally find his way back to life. At the same time, Don Quixote has to overcome his delusion to prevent him from dying, and of course, love also plays a crucial role ...

Terry Gilliams THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE feiert seine Weltpremiere auf den diesjährigen Internationalen Filmfestspielen von Cannes, wo er als krönender Abschluss gezeigt werden wird. Mit einer großartigen Besetzung und einem einzigartigen Setting nimmt Gilliams neuer Film den Zuschauer mit auf eine fantastische und aberwitzige Reise, die zwei äußerst unterschiedlichen, aber gleichermaßen skurrilen Charakteren diverse kuriose Abenteuer beschert.

Terry Gilliam's THE KILLED DON QUIXOTE MAN celebrates its world premiere at this year's Cannes International Film Festival, where it will be crowned a grand finale. With a great cast and a unique setting, Gilliam's new film takes the viewer on a fantastic and ludicrous journey that brings two curious adventures to two very different but equally bizarre characters.

Almost 18 years, cult director Terry Gilliam had to hold out to realize his dream of filming a very unique version of the world famous Cervantes classic 'Don Quixote': 'We have been working on the project for so long that the idea, this, to get the secret 'film actually finished, in the end seemed quite surreal. Any reasonable person would have given up years ago, but sometimes the stubborn dreamer wins in the end. '

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