PERCEPTION IS REALITY: How "Framing" reshapes the meaning of everything they tell you.

in #cinema7 years ago

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       "In the field of communication, framing defines how news media coverage shapes mass opinion."

Framing is a tool of propagandists which I often make reference to in my various counter-propagandist activities. I've been meaning forever to make a focus topic about it, but haven't gotten around to it thinking about it enough to come up with a slick and fun way to go about it... until just now. So here goes a quick impromptu crash curse of a piece on framing, complete with all the twists and turns you might expect from a Hollywood blockbuster...

I happened upon one of these "Trailer Mix" videos not an hour ago, which are major motion pictures where the remix artist takes the film and remixes them into spoof trailers typically completely contrary to the theme of the original film. A different soundtrack, a different assembly of the same film clips, and a tweaking of the narrative and viola a 'whole different film' emerges ('The Goonies' as a Thriller) from the same films you've been watching your entire life:

The results are killer entertainment for film buff types and satire artists, as well as they ought to be required viewing for any budding film makers, propagandists or counter-propagandists.

Note that by "counter-propagandist" I refer to what I feel is:
In journalism terms, a Counter-Propagandist one who deliberately decodes propaganda to reveal to the masses how they're typically manipulated. Mainstream journalists very rarely ever acknowledge the very concept of propaganda, let alone actively work to reveal is various methods for the sake of the viewers. Considering in the modern age, essentially every mainstream news media outlet peddles hardcore propaganda as their primary content, as such counter-propaganda is effectively the vigilante justice realm of modern journalism.

One of the key methods of propaganda used today, from PR firms to the MSM, is "Framing". Framing is like the platter that political schema are delivered on in se the world of political news riddled with political bias. Framing also plays into advertising, such as in terms of the difference between selling a product on its practical uses and the workmanship of its manufacture (the hard sell) vs. selling it based on image that is how it will make people feel (the soft sell).

In terms of political theory, framing can be every bit as effective in squashing or pushing an agenda as would be se omissions & distortions. It could be called the true face of distortions, and yet distortions is still but its own category as is framing.

That ought to be enough to give you the idea, whereas the following trailer remixes are brilliant in their own right, while drive home the power of Framing better than anything I can think of. Enjoy!

'What About Bob' as a Stalker Thriller:

'Edge of Tomorrow' Recut as 'Groundhog Day':

'The Martian' Recut as a Musical Comedy:

'Star Wars' Recut as a Grindhouse Film:

Framing is ubiquitously entrenched in modern journalism. It's likely that it doesn't exactly gets utilized deliberately as much as it would take deliberate intent to stay vigilant in being self-conscious to not engage in framing. Nature tends to take the path of least resistance, after all, while then we have these monolithic media institutions whom are the propaganda arm of the Corporatocracy whom own our world. I expect its real easy for this method to flow like water for these kinds of "journalists" in these echo chamber boiler rooms, while without a doubt the Machiavellian machines that guide them absolutely prefer agenda framing in all that flows from their fountainheads of perception management.

Therefore, you the viewer must stay vigilant against these forces of false reality.


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