in #cinema7 years ago (edited)

The following list exposes grandiose films that contain recurring themes of solitude and isolation. This is a selection of taciturn works, slowly developed and emotionally charged.

  1. Wild Strawberries (1957)

Written and directed by the incredible Ingmar Bergman, this work is a metaphorically poignant and exceptionally nostalgic journey that raises suggestive questions and topics of self-knowledge.

  1. Red Desert (1964)

In this heartbreaking film by Michelangelo Antonioni, we see an emotionally and visually stunning scenario that exhibits the psychological distress of the protagonists. It is a stylistic study of the character that in one way or another will remain in your mind.

  1. Repulsion (1965)

This psychological horror film is the first in English by Roman Polanski. It tells a disturbing, bloody and claustrophobic story of sexual repression and isolation. It is one of the most influential of the genre.

  1. Le Samourai (1967)

The spontaneously conceived detective drama of Jean-Pierre Melville is an example of minimalist perfection at its best. It's a simple story with a relatively basic plot that will leave you hooked as events unfold.

  1. Silent Running (1972)

Douglas Trumbull brought us this wonderful science fiction drama. Despite being more than 40 years since its release, this film has stood the test of time and turns out to be extremely visionary and poignant.

Source: Cinefilos on Facebook
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Boa! Desses daí só vi o Morangos, por enquanto... Mas é um tema que muito me interessa! Obrigado.

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