A Brief Cigar Review - Cuban Vegueros Tapados

in #cigars7 years ago (edited)

Tonight a Cuban Cigar I have been wanting to try for a while now, the Vegueros . Some of the greatest Cubans are the lesser known brands that come at not just a lower price, but higher quality control, due to less demand. Tonight I light my first Vegueros , in the Tapados Vitola.



Wrapper: Cuba
Binder: Cuba
Filler: Cuba
Vitola: 4.7 x 46
Price: $6

With the box date of over two years, my Vegueros should be ready to smoke. Just a punch cut was enough to produce a perfectly open draw. I figured it would, due to the light feel, and extra give when squeezing. Always a relief to have a Cuban cigar without a tight draw.

Flavor and Smoke

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The first few puffs provide an interesting flavor profile unlike one I have tasted before. I pick up an overall sweetness to the Tapados, yet the cigar is not mild. A cinnamon chocolate is the best I can describe the main nuance, followed by oak, and a peppery finish, and a retrohale creamy and smooth.

I tell you, I am really enjoying the flavors of the Vegueros , they are a bit different, yet very pleasant and sweet. Not different in an exotic way, just an overall indescribable taste that blankets the others too make it unique and even more pleasant.


If you want to hear about odd flavors in a cigar, how about this; lightly caramelized and buttered popcorn. :D The whole cigar didn’t transition into a popcorn ball, but this is an added note that I can only describe as such. At the same time, the cocoa has faded away and the oak waning. Overall quite interesting and scrumptious.

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It's almost dark out on this fine summer evening, time to escort this smoke into my lounge for the second half.


Immediately after the halfway point, the flavors drastically change. Major amounts of woodsy notes overtake the previous rather pleasant profile. Normally, I'm not a big fan of intense woodsy notes, but there is an added dark espresso and vanilla bean to make up for it, while much of the sweetness remains.

smoke dogg!

The construction so far has been good, no major burn issues, the draw remains nice and open, and it is producing a lovely dark gray and black typical Cuban Ash.

The aroma of the Vegueros is amazing. I struggle with describing aromas, so I will just leave it at that, amazing. There are very good cigars that don't have the most pleasant aroma, so it's not always indicative of quality, but indeed a bonus.


The final portion of my Vegueros develops only slight changes, the oak is less in-yo-face, an increase of black pepper on the back of the throat, and a finish of zesty mint.

Final Thoughts


The Vegueros Tapados was far greater than I anticipated, and the flavor profile new and unique to me.

A very complex cigar, The Vegueros ’ initial flavor profile lasted around 15 minutes and was amazing, then drastically changed twice..,The odd caramel buttered popcorn was short lived, I could have used more of it, while the woodsy, dark, and espresso notes made up the majority of the remaining portion.

The smooth and creamy retro-hale was constant throughout the stick, as was a cloudy smoke output. I had to re-light twice, this could be due to the light pack of tobacco.

If you want a fantastic Cuban Cigar at an even greater price, forget paying for one of the brand names and pick up The Vegueros Tapados, it won’t leave you bored or disappoint.

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My emoji rating:😋
Smoke time: 70 minutes
Strength/Body: Med-full
Cigar paired with: Iced vanilla latte, then Sailor Jerry Rum and cola
Price opinion: 👍🏻
Recommend/buy again? Yes, my next Cuban order


Cuban Vegueros Tapados really looks incredible !!

Thank you, it was a great cigar...

Ha popcorn, reminds me of buttered popcorn jelly bellys

That is what first came to my mind too, haha

so cool I LIKE IT A Brief Cigar Review - Cuban Veguros Tapados

What specifically do you think is cool about it?

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