Storyflesh and the Tulip of Turkey

in #cicada33017 years ago was updated to a new site yesterday to This was funny because this number came up in the clues from January that came out of the image of of Eve snake. It was weird because it was the first reference from the website when before it was redirected to Here is the image since it's no longer online.

We used binwalk on the image were able to extract this puzzle. I believe you can also outguess it out too if you have the password

This was a crazy hard puzzle that took a lot of time to solve since it needed a few parts to actually solve the system.

This is a diagram of how the operation was solved. We had to use the Cihper in the EYE of the Skull photo. After that the letters needed to be matched up to the "plug" board allowing us to create a binary clock. The using a XOR we got the blue solution. Once these were created we had to go over a few solutions before we had chance to come down to Solution 1 and 2. We were lost on where to go with this for a while, but we finally got some understanding when the website updated the source on the page to say "await araajakata". That means anarchy and it's also good to note that the number 1711141131131 matches the new website being used They says to await anarchy, and it seem's it is here.

This was a solution to part of one the first puzzles and now we are seeing huge connections to what is coming out now with the website. It seems that many of the folks that have been looking into the system have missed this connection. We also haven't seen any other solvers completing this puzzle.


I am so glad you are on here too! I need to read things to understand sometimes.

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