Story flesh and the Raphael painting! cicada 3301 treasure

in #cicada33017 years ago

I traveled to Alhambra In los Angeles looking for the next clue in the Cicada 3301 Sevens.Exposed Treasure hunt and boy did I find some things out. First off I was worried about the location cords that were given to us. It seem they were close the location but needed to be looked up using a GPS system other than Google earth to get the correct location. Once I was able to determine that most folks where looking in the wrong area I was able to find the next clues.

Many people were looking for Gold or some form of fresh hole that was based around a Treasure clue located on the website from some solvers that where able to get to the hidden wiki.

Clue link

"Aurum, under the trunks, along the bed of a river, unsung. 3.301 feet underneath. A treasure lies undiscovered from 1848. Remember there were no banks in the area. Seek the oldest trees 5 minutes from the mission. Assemble a team to find this treasure by summer. Gold pieces, gold dust, gold nuggets."

34°5'50.59?N 118°6'22.68?W

Many people have visited the location and where able to find nothing. I was able to find this letter under a brick at the location and it lead me to look at more missions all around the california area.

Sevens Exposed Website

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