War Project : Expanding Direct Democratic Rights in France (and european continent) to save the American Republic.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cia6 years ago

I heard a guy called christophe barnier, I liked this guy, was smart and had vastly superior understanding (and interests) in the french political system than me.

However he recently expressed his will to censor us, to control our speech, to dictate what we can say, think or see, in short wanting to be the gatekeeper between reality and us.

As such he has become one of my primary enemy, as such who does he fucks?

Now, after this little triad about a thing or deadwalking or subhuman or slave, let save America :)

and the idea is very simple, expanding direct democratic rights across Nato countries.

Personally I am not interested in bullshit, low intensity, low inch by inch approach...

as such :

  1. destroy (kill, what ever) those who oppose it.

  2. make it happen.

  3. In france then germany.

why? because, this is the wall.

I think that France and germany are mature and ready for this great evolve.

the arguments are many, but once those 2 nations are converted to direct democracy (like the mightily state of colorado) it will be harder for the exploiters of civilization to take roots there and will reinforce support for America.

Why france and germany before canada and mexico? mainland access and again the right move at the right time

I could make a whole presentation on the topic, but I hope that is useless as it is so evident in the great scheme of things.

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