in #church6 years ago (edited)

By Rick Lange
Posted with authors permission

I have on my desk a printout of a document that my son Zach brought to me as we met for our Saturday morning walk yesterday. At the top of the document there is a picture of Pope Frances signing a document with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayebe. The document is called the “Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” and it was signed during a Global Conference on the topic in Abu Dhabi.

In my humble opinion the United Nations has largely failed in its mission to hold our world together or to bring peace or unity or justice to this war torn planet. And also in my humble opinion I see a corner being turned in which the globalists of the coming New World Order have looked elsewhere for the fulfillment of their aspirations. They are looking for help from the Pope of Rome and from another rising entity that the bible calls the antichrist, or more specifically, “The Beast.”

As I read the document I could find nothing wrong with it in particular. It contained all of the flowery words of peace and justice and freedom and equality for people young and old and for refugees. They are asking that this document be studied in all schools and universities and the bottom line is this:

“…this Declaration may be an appeal to every upright conscience that rejects deplorable violence and blind extremism ; an appeal to those who cherish the values of tolerance and fraternity that are promoted and encouraged by religions; this Declaration may be a witness to the greatness of faith in God that unites divided hearts and elevates the human soul; this Declaration may be a sign of the closeness between East and West, between north and south and between all who believe that God has created us to understand one another, cooperate with one another and live as brothers and sisters who love one another.”

As usual, the devil is in the details because in spite of their flowery words

  1. Religion has never promoted unity for it has always been the source of division and war.

  2. Secondly, we may presume that we all worship one God, but the very religion that Pope Francis is signing this accord with adamantly swears that God has no Son and so, by their very definition, we are not serving the same God and so Jesus, the only Prince of Peace is being left out of all consideration of peace.

  3. Even as they call God our Creator, they embrace the theory of Evolution as truth and now these same people are embracing the idea that the human race was perhaps planted here by an ancient alien race. The Vatican itself has one of the largest telescopes situated on Mt. Graham in Arizona where they are waiting and watching for the return of this alien race.

  4. We know from Bible prophecy that this conglomerate beast will persecute the true followers of Jesus Christ. They will ace them out of society by controlling the finances of the entire world so that anyone that doesn’t fit their demands will be weeded out of society. They will also force everyone into their mold by something called “The Mark of the Beast.” So anyone who refuses to worship the coming antichrist will be killed without mercy.

When we know and understand the character and purposes of the people behind these flowery words, then we are not fooled by them. So the church today is in desperate need of a revival of primitive godliness. We need, as I said yesterday morning, to move beyond the baptism of John and into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire that Jesus brought to us. We need a new Pentecostal outpouring. We need the fire of God, for the church has become largely weak and clueless. We seek neither the power of God nor the prophetic outlines which could bring understanding of the times.

Concerning our time the prophet Hosea ( The only prophet to the Northern kingdom of Israel to have a book in the Bible) wrote: Afterward the sons of Israel will return and seek the Lord their God and David ( Yeshua) their king and they will come trembling to the Lord and to His goodness in the last days.”

Zechariah spoke of this as well saying: “And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a Spirit of grace and of supplication so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only son…”Zech. 12:10

And again in Acts chapter 15:16, 17: “After these things I will return and I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen and I will rebuild its ruins and I will restore it in order that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord and all the Gentiles who are called by My name says the Lord, who makes these things known from of old.”

What we see going on in Israel right now is Satan and his global consortium seeking to fulfill the promises of Jesus to Israel that He will restore the tabernacle of David and reign over the earth for 1000 years. This temple that is about to be built and about which all of these “Peace Accords” are being signed, is not the temple that will be built by Messiah when He comes to restore all things. It is a deception… and when they are saying “Peace and Safety then will come sudden destruction.

It is this third temple mentioned by Jesus in Mt. 24:15 that the antichrist will commit the abomination of desolation by forcing the whole world to worship him as God.

Satan is obsessed with usurping the throne of the true Messiah. He wants to rule and reign over this planet in the place of Christ and that is largely what the great conflict of the book of Revelation is all about. It shows a final global kingdom being built in defiance of God. It shows the war and persecution that this beast kingdom will inflict upon all who remain true to Christ. But it also shows that Satan’s kingdom will last only for one prophetic hour and that it will be destroyed by the wrath of God and by the brightness of His (Jesus’) coming.

What we see happening in the last days is that which Hosea lived out in his life at the request of God. He went into the slave market place to buy back his harlot wife and to remarry her. Just so Jesus is coming back to remarry His harlot wife Israel and to restore all things.

Zechariah talks about this same time period when Israel is surrounded by the nations for destruction. Then it says: “Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations as when He fights on the day of battle. And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in the middle from east to west…” Zech. 14:3, 4

Interestingly, geologists have found a fault line on the Mt. of Olives that fits perfectly with this scripture. It will come to pass just as Jesus said it would. But we haves some stuff to go through before that blessed day comes. So Hosea speaks to us in our day saying:

Listen to the word of the Lord, O sons of Israel (and that is exactly who we are, for the ten tribes have been scattered all over the face of the planet and most of us have lost our identity.) For the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land. There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing and adultery. Therefore the land mourns and everyone who lives in it languishes along with the beasts of the field and the birds of the sky and also the fish of the sea disappear.”

It doesn’t make the news much, but there is a global extinction of animals, birds and fish taking place that will in a short time render our oceans empty of life… and erratic weather patterns threaten to ruin our crops as well.

Bible prophecy is well under way and even the faithful part of the Catholic Church is saying that their current pope is a heretic… that Satan has entered the Vatican and they are beside themselves to know what to do about it. It is said that over 50% of the Cardinals in the Vatican have been appointed by Pope Francis and that many of them have formed what is called the Velvet Mafia, a homosexual/pedophilia practicing cabal that is joining forces with the antichrist system, who would love nothing more than to wipe faithful Christians and Messianic Jews off the face of the earth and that is why they are seeking passage of the Noahide laws in the 70 nations of the world that are under their control. Those laws will make it illegal to worship Jesus Christ and to do so would be punishable by death, under the laws of idolatry.

I said to my son Zach as we neared the end of our walk: “Isn’t it amazing that the protestant denominations including some Pentecostal and Charismatic groups (In other words fundamental Christians) are making pilgrimages to Rome to join with the Pope. How can this be? How can they be so blind? Or has the church been taken over by demonic forces as well?

There is truly only one Rock upon which we can stand for all other ground has become sinking sand. This doesn’t mean that we abandon our churches. In fact the Lord’s army is in desperate need of the Holy Spirit and fire that we are promised to receive in the last days. But we also need our prophetic eyes reopened, for in truth, those who have been studying Bible prophecy had known these things all of our lives and we are now watching with jaws gaping as these events are being fulfilled right before our eyes.

The world may be sleeping, but it is time for God’s Remnant people to wake up! And it makes not one bit of difference if our various interpretations of Bible prophecy differ in one way or another. The Bible is being fulfilled in every detail and if we are diligently seeking understanding, the Holy Spirit will teach us what we need to know when we need to know it.

The good news in all of this is that the return of Jesus Christ is very likely to happen in our day!

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