Sunday thoughts on Saturday: Proverbs 31: 10-20

in #church6 years ago

Image Soruce

Mom- a model of morals series continues with Proverbs 31.

The pastor proposed to his girlfriend this weekend and the process of buying a diamond-inspired his sermon. Proverbs 31 describes a Godly woman.

Describing women

Bottom line is the text is describing a wife and all women. If you are a man, apply these principles to your life. As God calls the church the bride.

Prepare yourself for this wedding.

We can look at ourselves like looking at gemstone. Looking at the value of gems with the same eyes as we look at our value. Color, clarity, karts, and cuts are how each hen is characterized. Grading gemstone.

Worth residences in the eyes.

For the rest of the sermon, we will view Proverbs 31 with a similar grading scale that gems are viewed. The color, the clarity, and the kart viewed the eye of a professional and the eye of the buyer.


The color you see weights on the worth of a gem. How we see people weights in how much worthy they carry. Looking at how they act and what they do. If you can’t look at yourselves and think whoever picks me as their wife, has won, he is a winner!

If you can’t say that, there needs to be some reflection. Know your worth. Know your value. Capable is not the same as able.

Jimmy is capable of reading, but he can’t.
Jimmy is able to read, but he can’t ready.

You see these words aren’t the same. Capable runs with it. He is capable if he applies his time and focus. She is capable if she using her potential. Some say, if you want to see potential, go to the graveyard. Don’t be that one that does without reaching your full potential. Be the women that actively purposely consistently put out your potential as described in Proverbs 31. Which all starts with what you see in the mirror. Do you see yourself? Do you see yourself how others see you? How do you view yourself? Begins with changing how you view yourself.

Proverbs 31:18

She perceives her merchants to be good.

So good others believe in your confidence. How is your spiritual life? When you present the gospel is it to gain for yourself or to bless others?

When determining the value of a Diamond through color it is determined on a scale of clear to colored diamonds. The rare diamonds are worth more because of their color. It is the person that looked at that diamond that saw the value of it.

Beauty is the eye of the beholder. like an artist looking at art. One will value a work of art based on what he sees it for. We see a random line and dot and to another, he sees a depiction of something far more.

Like the eyes that were open in the garden of eve. We see ourselves through lies. You were naked before, but now you see your nakedness as ugly. When it’s the same, but you believe to see the lies.

The fall of men
Leads to lies, we are beautiful in the eyes of your father in heaven. So much so, he wrote 66 books to show you what he thought of you. He sees so much value in you he came to die for your sees. He saw value in you. He was willing to die for you. That’s how valuable you are to him. Experts value a diamond and we look at a gem and only see flaws. Yet, what you see value in is artificial and fake. Turns out man made diamonds in a lab seem to be perfect but aren’t real. Do you buy the real one or the fake?


What you hold inside determines your value.

Some gems don’t stay in the ground the same length of time. The longer it stays, the deeper the diamond hides, the more pressure it experiences. With a magnifying glass, the more pressure the fewer cracks scratches will be seen.

However, from the naked eye, it all looks the same. How many experiencing pressure right now, is asking God for a break? To stop the pressing and pressure. The good news as long as it God hand pressing the process with only bless you. The internal value like Matthew said it is t what comes in that defile a man, but what comes out.

When your desires, when your thoughts, and when your words determine the status of your heart. Carbon stains on a heart of a person that needs more pressing. That is what is going to determine your heart. When is the last time you ask God to press you? Bet if you reflect your last year, you can probably say how many times you asked God to take you out of the pressure. Like the song, in the pressing, in the crushing, God is making something new in you.


It is the weight that matters not the size. Quality over quantity. Where do you place your value? Some people think the more people say the more they think they add value. How often do we talk without value? Do your words hold any weight? Does it have any substance? Do you discuss people, events, or ideas? How does your boss view what you talk about? Fix what you say and watch what you discuss.

What what we say and the conversation we have and hold.

In the Verse, it says the following: Her children called her blessed. How often do your children call you blessed? When was the last time you called your parents are a blessing? Most people will give you what you give them. They have an attitude, do you have one too? They talk so much it’s annoying, how much are you talking?


No matter how big a diamond is it’s not worth anything until it’s cut. Maybe you have a lot of stuff, a lot of success, but do you have Jesus. Do you feel distance from Jesus? Allow him to cut, to crack your life and the people in your life. So after the process of cutting and adding pressure can you be valuable. Let Jesus take you through the process. You will see the difference. You will be free.




Hey Kubby,

I really enjoyed reading over your post.

The ring means a promise, the bond between two people that is symbolic to the commitment they make.

Like you mentioned regardless of a stones size, clarity, or way in which it was formed it still serves the same purpose as a sign of a joint partnership.

I see many people spend tens of thousands on a ring and I have no problem with them doing this, but to be honest if it was a wooden band or there was no ring at all this doesn’t make the result any different or less meaningful.

To tie this back into my faith I can go out and preach a message to 100 people in a lavish offering and house but if this message is not delivered in a way to provide value and worth to the individual I can’t expect a positive outcome.

Alternatively I can focus on a smaller number and ensure the key message is delivered in a way to provide a personalised offering allowing time for reflection and understanding.

If this group then took my message out to others and spread this wider the reach would be far greater than something that wasn’t delivered effectively in the first opportunity.

We are what we preach and this is more important than anything else we can invest time in if we truly want our message to be heard and understood.

Have a great weekend,

Stefan :)

Amazing message here kubby, sometimes something worthy is not really worthy unless we break it down to see the worth. Worth sometimes isn't even recognised sometimes it takes a lot to do so,

Small things may even hold greater worth than things we feel are bigger

Good ideas to have a think about!

I try to share a positive light to others about what God has to offer, I did a post about it here:

I hope that you enjoy my content and that it has a positive impact on you!


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