Living with chronic disease
Hi my name is Ulises I suffer from chronic disease and I've been suffering for over a decade now, this has been a sort of fight going back and forth against this disease. I tried to find something that helps me and this disease answers in a different way or gets more aggressive.
There are some days where I feel a little better there are other days where this is almost intolerable.
This is more or less what I have at the moment of writing this piece:
-Chronic fatigue.
-Chronic Gastritis
-Helicobacter Pylori
-Difficulty breathing.
-Difficulty to pass saliva.
-Dysfunction on my esophagus
-Too much acidity in my stomach.
-Abdominal Pain.
-My lips are burning (my mouth takes like metal)
These problems have happened in the last 2 years:
-Heart problems.
-Numbness in Arms, Hands, and Legs (on the left side)
-I had difficulty to breathe.
-I almost pass out (I'm much better than that now but it happens when my heart problems went to the roof)
This usually increases or decreases depending on what I was doing either on previous days or during that week and how responsible or irresponsible I was in ways to handle this disease.
I hope someday I can have a normal and regular day and have a family and just enjoy life to its max extent.
Will I get a cure? Will I die?
I don't know to follow me on this journey, learn from my mistakes or get value from anything, share your thoughts with me.