What my thoughts are on Chritianity!!!

in #chritianity7 years ago

Have you ever heard of a so call "christian" ask a person they know if they are christian and instantly after confirming their status automatically start judging them? Well let me tell you exactly how I feel about it!!! I am a Christian and no I do not go to church for my own personal beliefs, but I dont judge anyone who does because to me that is beign christian. Reading the bible you realize alot of the hypocrisy going on in the Christian comunity today, such as if you dont go to church you are not a "real" christian or if you drink you are also not a real christian or if you do something bad you will go to hell or the worst i have heard yet is if you dont go to church you will go to hell. Now let me start killing all those saying by a simple quote from the bible. JHON: 3:16 For God so loveth the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not parish but have everlasting life.
So in this verse it simply tells you if you belive in him (Gods son Jesus) you are saved from parishing. Now don't get me wrong Im not saying believe in him and live life how you want to in your own way because that would technically be blasphemy if by knowing that you are saved you feel to have his blessing to do as you please no no no no, that is completely wrong. Now what that means to me is I know hes on my side so i will live life as if I am his son and although in the flesh i can never be perfect because of his son he sees me blameless, I will ask him to guide me through the holy Spirit to better my ways and to be my strength in my weakness. Now that we got past that let me tell you that hes comands are what we are to do until he comes back which is to love God with all your heart,mind and soul and to love your naighbor as yourself. You really shouldn't judge anyone with your opinions but by their works as we all know that you will be judged with the same judgement you used against others, so with this I leave you to think about what you say to others before putting Gods name in vain. I belive going to church is good but dont follow what your pastor says blindly but always go to your guide which is the bible to confirm what he says and be careful to not fall into manipulation of the word to be used as a poppet. I belive that if you bow your head before reading the bible and ask God for understanding he will provide you with the tools necessary and when you feel you are ready to go to church ask God to guide you to the church that will help you grow as a Christian.

I hope my article has been clear to understand my views on christianity and hope you liked it, please comment and let me know your opinion and if I am wrong in anyway correct me for that would only help me with clarity thank you!!!20171129_155127.jpg

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