The December Whatever Dood!

I think I have to stop numbering these and start posting them by month. I can never remember which number of Whatever Dood I'm on. Oh well, its a December issue of Whatever Dood! Happy holidays everyone! Merry Christmas, blessed winter solstice! Whatever you celebrate, may it be filled with good cheer, great people and fun!

I can't believe the holidays are already here. Damn! I can't believe another year is coming to an end. This year just flew by way to quick. The Dood had a great summer, did some riding and we got such unseasonably warm weather in October & November I didn't even realize how fast the holidays crept up on me! Now I'm caught in the holiday hustle doing last minute Christmas shopping, and preparing for 2018!


What a wild year its been! I met or exceeded just about every resolution I set for myself this year. This is just crazy. The year in crypto has been insane! I met & exceeded beyond my wildest dreams my BTC goal. I wanted to double my followers on twitter, and close to tripled them, I wanted to lose weight and..... Well I lost a few pounds but nowhere near as much as I wanted to. LOL... Looks like The Dood will be dieting hard for 2018! Thank you all for making 2017 such a successful year! You guys rock :)

It really was an insanely successful year of trading crypto for just about everyone I know. The altcoin summer will probably be talked about for years to come. So many people got involved in cryptocurrency in 2017, the volume on just about all the exchanges increased dramatically, and market caps for just about every coin exceeded our wildest dreams. It was an altcoin summer for sure! Many of us seen gains beyond our wildest dreams and for many the experience was literally life changing!

Well after that party, Bitcoin gaves us all a pleasant reminder of who is king of this castle. As bitcoin prices rose altcoin markets fell. The whole thing reminded me of a hangover after a wild party. Bitcoin, the one rowdy guest who just couldn't contain himself. As we say, bitcoin goes up, alts go down! Ironically if you look at the charts for a lot of coins they seem to be holding their value in USD now, maintaining an even price over the last few weeks in dollars and cents. For those of us who trade in satoshi though, this spelled out considerable losses. Not advice or anything, but The Dood's hodling my alts. I won't sell at USD prices, and I'm hoping eventually the ALT/BTC markets adjust as a whole. Not sure if I'm doing the right thing, but I've made it this far, and my strategy has played out well so far! Although I'm far from REKT, The Dood's feeling the pain.

This is usually around the time I shout out a couple altcoin calls but I'm not even going to. This market has been so unpredictable with bitcoins meteoric rise over the last few months. Obviously Litecoin is doing great, Ethereum is rising right along with them. My picks for right now would be well established coins with active devs and strong communities. I think those will probably be the first to recover from this altcoin bear market. My current strategy right now is taking small gains and hodling any losses. Real shitcoins and most low caps are currently not in play for me right now. Again nothing here is meant as financial advice, this is just what I happen to be doing.

Ending the year around $17,000 USD for BTC! Who would of thunk it? I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around this. $17,000 USD! We now have Bitcoin futures being traded , and many feel this will pave the way for Bitcoin ETF's because technically Bitcoin futures now make Bitcoin a regulated market. I'm gonna put myself out there and say, we'll likely see $20,000 USD by new years day and 2018 should be one wild ride. Could you imagine if this thing is just getting heated up! Forget about the moon people, we could be headed for a whole new galaxy!

So with all this new growth in the crypto space a lot of new exchanges have opened. My favorites for 2017 became Bittrex, Cryptopia, and a new kid on the block named Binance. I'm always looking for high volume exchanges to trade on, and these three have earned a special place in my heart. Bittrex has always been a giant in the industry and I know a lot of people from steemit use them to exchange their SDB. Cryptopia grew alot in 2017, upgraded their platform, and have really improved their UI! Kudos Cryptopia for a job well done.

Binance is the new kid on the block and has grown to over a million users in an incredibly short amount of time. In the short time I've traded there they've rolled out all kinds of improvement to the UI, they have a great selection of coins, and if you're one of those traders that likes to protect your privacy they still offer a 2 BTC withdrawal limit for unverified accounts. If you haven't checked out the site yet, you might want to give them a try. Feel free to use my referral link if you like :

I also have a full list of exchanges on my website, and plan to update the list soon with all the new ones I've discovered in 2017.

I have to admit, I really slacked off on the website over the summer. I'll be adding all kinds of updates soon! It's cold and snowy here now, so lots of time to blog and work on websites! Expect a lot of updates to the site over the next couple months.


So I guess that's pretty much it for this edition of Whatever Dood. Over the next couple weeks I'll be posting 2017 in review, some new resolutions for 2018, and I plan on rolling out some updates on my cross country motorcycle trip I'm planning for next summer. It should be a busy month for steemit blogging. Man.... I can't believe 2017 came and went already! I will say this.... Thank you for sharing 2017 with me and making it such a stellar year! I honestly think things are just getting warmed up and 2018 should gear up to be a pretty wild year for us all. Thanks for sharing this ride with The Dood, and looking forward to continuing the journey with you friends!

Love, light, and happy trails my friends!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63651.41
ETH 2679.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80