December 21st - The Power of Forgiveness

in #christmas8 years ago

Today is the twenty-first day of this initiative and my fifth as @gavvet's guest host. To be honest, the first four days of my stint have been rather easy. The themes could all be carried out in quick, simple and fun ways. Today's actions may take a little bit more effort... but aren't the things that take the most effort the most worthwhile?

Today's theme is all about one of the most powerful forces in the world... forgiveness.

I am currently rather angry with someone in my life. I have been angry for a few weeks. It has become very easy to be angry. It actually takes no work at all. If I could release this anger, I know my family and I would be better off. I know what I need to do. I must realize that the past cannot be changed. I can either dwell in the past and let it have the power to bring me misery, or I can rise above the anger and let it go. I am going to try. I wish I could say that I know I will succeed, but for today, the best I can do is try. If I fail today... I will try again tomorrow.

Perhaps this video can help to inspire you to begin to forgive someone who has wronged you...

This is the twentieth way of serving in 25 ways over 25 days leading up to Christmas.

Would you like to forgive someone or thank someone who has forgiven you?

Its easy:
1. Watch the short clip
2. Follow the instructions
3. Make it happen
4. Then tweet or otherwise share your results using... #lighttheworld... encourage others to participate
5. 25 days is enough consistency to form a new habit

If every day this December we are slightly more mindful of others we may find ourselves with a new great habit to continue into the new year and beyond.


  • Is there a family member you haven’t talked to lately? Call him or her.
  • Share this inspiring video about forgiving the seemingly unforgivable.
  • Make a list of your grudges. Then set a goal to let them go.


  • Have a particularly difficult neighbor or coworker? Be extra nice to him or her this week.
  • Focus on being kind instead of right for an entire day or week.
  • Pray for someone who has hurt you.
  • Read this powerful story of forgiveness.
  • Re-friend or re-follow someone with whom you’ve had a falling out.
  • Try to see things from the perspective of a person who has upset you.
  • Remember a time someone has forgiven you and how it felt.
  • Ask God to help you be more forgiving of others in your life.
  • Visit for more ways to #LIGHTtheWORLD in your community (U.S. and Canada only).

More detail and the embedded links can be found directly from this link

Image Link


You're in bondage to that person who hurt or wronged you - only until you forgive them! Then you're free from it.

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