When Christmas isn't Chirstmas.

in #christmas7 years ago

For years now I've been trying to understand everything around Christmas and Understand why Christmas is a big deal. The first thing people would say would be the baby Jesus and the bible. If you want to believe that, That's great for you. I understand the re birth of the sun is the real reason why there is a Christmas. Even then Why do we have Christmas the way we do now?
I will have to say hypocrites that are Christians, AND Corporations like Sears and Coke Cola. Using the name of Santa to capital on people and families. Christmas is a sham now and will continue to be. Its a money making day. The problem is now if you tell your kids. Santa is fake you are a bad parents cause you killed Christmas for your kids. Even if its you who spent the money and the time for your kids. Santa may have been a real guy but now its to make money of other people money. Corporations do not care about you, and they believe if you spend more money than the next 10 parents in line, you are the better parent.
Christmas make me sick knowing that Corporations use it against everyone and people eat it up like candy. I think a lot of people are just dumb or blind to see the truth. If you don't agree that's ok. But if you do.. follow for more Blogs like this.

(Christians never think it strange that the birth date of Jesus is the birth date of many of the incarnated gods of antiquity. That Pagans venerated the birthday of Christ as the birthday of their gods is beyond coincidence. At the winter solstice, the sun seemed to stop declining in the sky for three days. Its was at crisis point. It might die! Then it began to rise on the 25 December, the sun’s rebirth. Both the year and the day of Christ’s birth are unknown. There is no reason to suppose that Jesus the Nazarene was born on Christmas Day. The importance of 25 December to Pagans made Christians think it must have been the birthday of their messiah. When Constantine made Jesus a god, 25 December, the birthday of the sun gods and particularly that of the chief rival to Christianity, Mithras, was selected as his birthday. By celebrating at the same time as Pagan religions, the bishops accepted Christ as a sun god, hoping to pull in Pagans worshippers. What are the origins of the various ingredients of the now traditional nativity scene?)

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