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RE: It has begun.... 🎄

in #christmas6 years ago

Yes!!! All of this.

I usually have my tree up the day after thanksgiving too! One year I even had it up the night before because we had a Christmas party the day after hosting thanksgiving.

But putting it all away after Xmas is always a struggle. And with a fake tree there is no rotting tree smell to force you along!!! 😂🤣 One year with work and life and laziness the tree was up until the day before Easter!!! Lol shameful.

So this year my husband will be overseas seeing his family. Prices for one airline ticket this time of year are a lot. Two tickets are dumb. So I am staying stateside for Xmas. Because it is just me and the dogs enjoying the house, I was like....maybe I can just put up some Christmas stuff but not the tree. But then it just wasn’t feeling Christmas-y. So up everything is coming. Lol.


You get no shame from me ! One year I put my tree up November 11th, because I had bought a new tree and well.... it was just sitting there in the box, so up it went ! .....and taking them down? I am notorious for leaving my tree up till sometime in February....LOL.... a time or two it has been longer, because it wasn't hurting anything and I wasn't in the mood. I never get tired of turning it on and seeing it, although I don't leave the curtains open at night after two weeks past Christmas. :))

I have had some years where nearly no one saw my Christmas decor but me, but each year, I still somehow decide that I really enjoy having it all out and I am worth the trouble....ha ha.... I think it is ok if it is mostly just for me. I like it and if I want more people to see it, I should invite them over.... .right ??

I'm sorry the air fares as so high that you feel it is too much for you and your hubby to spend Christmas together, but life is like that sometimes and we always seem to make it through ... don't we? I had a friend years back who was single and had no family one year to spend Christmas with. He decided to have a "Misfit" Christmas dinner and invited others who had no place to go to have a potluck Christmas dinner at his house. He called it "misfit"...... like the island of misfit toys in the Christmas cartoon Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of The Misfit Toys. He said they had a wonderful time. I thought he made the very most of his situation and it was good for the other's that came as well.

Misfit xmas sounds awesome! ☺️ My whole family is here (parent’s, cousins, grandma, aunts, uncles and such) so I will just hang with them like every year minus the hubs! 😄

LOL.... that's wonderful that your family is all around. Mine is too and I feel so fortunate !

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