Tipping Over A Christmas Tree

in #christmas7 years ago

I tipped over the Christmas tree, because I didn't get a Christmas. I wanted so badly to spend time with my family and prove my family wrong of me and what I was trying to do was going through hell on earth to try and get the life that I deserved. The only issue is that this system is broken. They say, "something had to have happened, and you did something wrong." When the fact is, is that they were wrong and they knew they were wrong. There is law, and code that are supposed to protect me, and be there to stop the things from happening over my life that were happening and continue to happen to this very day.

Imminent dangers can cause a person to die, and some of these dangers were just recognized as lies and as if this thing couldn't be true, when I am smart enough to know that they are true. Things like leaky walls, water intrusion, black mold, bugs mice and other things like lice. They want to blame everyone but themselves, because no one wants to get their hands dirty. And, with what is happening to me I should be able to sue my landlord, the city and the doctors and people who are all in it together to make certain that I am not heard, and that I can't get justice for the crimes committed by other people.

I was writing letters, trying simply to get a dialogue started. They couldn't so much as continue a decent conversation over these matters. The inspection that was done to the place was one of those inspections that people get when they either pay money, or know someone that just wants to pass their place of business, and not care about the concerns of other people. My own landlord asked me, "who are you going to get to look at your pictures?" I said, "Anyone that's willing to," as if anyone had a brain anymore. But, for the most part people don't. It was sad going into the Regions Hospital and them acting as though I'm "self-harming" myself simply for scratching my back because of the things that were on me. They've embedded my skin, and are living in my body, living in my back, living in my head.

When you have body lice, it's a lot different than having head lice. Though they are similar, they come from deep infestations and people unwilling to do any real work to secure their property - so be careful where you are willing to stay these days, because the whole system doesn't care about their own laws when it comes to the issues that people are facing. Having concerns is one thing, and wanting to fight for your rights is a totally other thing. No one wants to listen to it, and no one wants you around, simply because they are in denial and don't want to get whatever it is that you have, so instead of actually helping you, all people will do - including family - is call you crazy and blame alternative reasons for the things that are happening to you. And, when it comes to black mold, no one knows just how bad it is, until you live with it, and have to deal with it. Your landlord won't care. The inspectors won't care. The city and county won't care, and the lawyers won't care. Which, to me means that the whole system is now working for the fucking devil. They are all in it to control people, and the government is now 100% in favor of their own control over the American people. Speaking out used to be a protected amendment, so that people can be heard if they have something horrific going on in their lives, but - more often then not - these days, people just aren't heard for the real crimes that are taking place.

When you read building code, and there are people who are rich, and living in favor of each other, their crimes don't matter so much. You can be shot at, kidnapped, sex trafficked and no one is willing to hear you. Just don't get angry and end up tipping over the Christmas tree or anything, because once you do - you're going to be treated like a criminal that just shot someone, or kidnapped a person. No one is willing to see the crimes that they commit over a people because people are hell bent on controlling you. People also, don't want to believe in God, or that there is a heaven or hell - but, that doesn't make the afterlife any less true than it is. People want to make believe anything that gets them by in this world because they are afraid of death, and should be. They haven't asked for forgiveness, and can't be allowed to ask for forgiveness, some of them - when people want to. People are dying to be heard today, and people are struggling to get their stories heard.

But, when you want to get your story heard, you're going to go through something that is beyond reasonable for just trying to do the right thing. When you do the right thing, if it hurts someones money, or their ability to keep their whole shit show underneath the rug, they are going to stop at nothing to get their shit show kept under that rug. It doesn't matter if its a cop, or a priest, or a doctor or a land-lord, these people are going to so whatever they can do, to keep your story unheard.

So, when you end up in jail, go to a psych-award or a "mental hospital" and you think that these people are ANY better than you are? Think again. These people are in some sequestered behavior to keep you down, and keep making you out to look like the bad guy. After all, trying to get representation and trying desperately to be heard in this country, you're going to have to go through a lot of turmoil and strain just to get your own family and friends these days to care. Some will, and some won't, and some won't know what to do - because most people don't know what it will take away from them. The deniability factor of these things are heavy, and where people are concerned is about their own safety, and no each others. This is what makes these things hard to handle. It's not so much that you are feeling as though you have little bugs crawling around on you, and new ones are born, and you can't breathe inside of an infested home while having to clean up everything, and you're basically falling apart... Those things you can handle, and even handle well. The part that hurts the most is how unnatural it is to find that no one cares. How unnecessary people will treat you, and how fast people - and the people you love - are willing to throw you in a nuthouse. And, to tell you the truth, I believe that all these people in mental hospitals have a real story to get out, and can't because of the ways they are being treated.

Imagine a Mack truck coming to run you over and your leg is broke and you're panting for air, and when the ambulance gets there, will leave you there ant take the Mack truck to make sure that "it" is okay. Not you. You're just dying in the middle of nowhere and can't see how these people are caring more about the Mack truck than they are caring about your injuries. And, when you try to tell your family that you were just hit with a Mack truck, they just say, "oh - come on M-, you're just fine, and even will blame your past for the things that you are going through." Really!? I just got hit by a truck, and I can hardly breathe and you're going to tell me that it's because I did this or that, 15 years ago, that this is happening to me?

Of course I'm talking about something different here, but keep imagining that it's a Mack truck that hit me. And, I can't get any help with it. Think about the lice crawling all over your body, you're out of money, not being paid right by your job, and you lost your license for non-payment of child support, even though you were paying your child support, and had the proof to show that you were paying it. But, never-mind those things. Keep imagining the Mack truck being hauled off on a stretcher in the ambulance while you just sit there and end up going into the mental hospital.

You're like, I need a doctor stat! And, they send in a psychiatrist, that's only goal is to get you on anti-psychotic medication. You say, I was just hit by a Mack truck and you have scars to prove it, you're showing them your busted up leg, and how mangled it got, you're telling them you can't breathe and that you have these cuts and bruises all over your body, and visible things to show these people, and they look right right at you - almost as if they are looking through you, and say - well, you need something, but we can't do anything about the Mack truck that hit you. What we can do is offer you some pills, and keep you here indefinitely, and while in there you can't go out to smoke, and are more then likely being treated wrong, but people can't see it, because they see it's good for you. Remember, everyone is denying that you just were hit with the Mack truck and care more about the Mack truck than they are you.

This is the story of my life in this last year. I wasn't hit with a Mack truck, but what I was hit with, was just as damaging as that happening. I was working my ass off for my own mom, while not getting paid right and not paid at all when I would have been able to get my license back and get more work hours - but never mind those things - right? I wouldn't stop fighting though because I felt something rise up in me at one point as though I couldn't do it alone and asked for God. I said, "God, if you're there - will you please come take over? I can't do this alone, and I'm struggling with this... (mice, lice, not being paid, in an infestation that no one seemed to care about, calling city officials, writing letters and calling lawyers and many other things that I was having to deal with) I couldn't do it - so, I was asking God will you come step into me - step into my very own heart, and please Lord take this thing!?" It was because of the monstrosity of the thing itself that was happening to me at the time that I was failing to think that I had to go through this thing alone. I was falling apart!

But, the story is not over yet. I still am going through turmoil to this day that is being caused by the system and the people who are running things. I don't understand how, but - I'm being made into being a criminal. I'm being made into being an abusive person even though in this case, the system and the landlord and other people are the criminals.

So, they made sure that the drive for that Mack truck was alright, but didn't even care to see if I was okay. They took the driver of that Mack truck to the hospital, and he was just fine. Instead of taking away his license or doing anything at all, they just said, you're free to continue to do whatever it is you're working on, and let him go. Then "he" went back to work. He - in this case - is the whole system, the landlord, the job manager and all those people that made sure that I was living a hell and a cell, and in a huge fraud of a lie over my life. And, it was to create me to isolate me. I had to go to court over this, and they said, I'm the abusive one, have me taking UA's now even though they know their whole thing is a lie, and a convoluted attempt to running one over on God, but won't get away with it in the end. I'm under conviction! I'm still talking to my imaginary friend, "God," you know, as though I'm just crazy to think that I can feel God in my heart after all of this. I could be dead - you know? I could have just said "fuck this" and taken my own life. Every 13 seconds in this country another person takes their life, and from what I discovered is that they are being pushed into feeling these ways, by other people, and are feeling it's as if it was their only way out. They didn't want out of their lives for certain, or out of their bodies, but they just wanted to be heard - and weren't. Not only did they want to be heard, but they truly needed someone to listen to them. So, when no one else will listen to you, talk to God. I did, and I'm more alive than all these people think they could ever be while being here, because if they don't ask forgiveness and God doesn't grant these people forgiveness, these people are going to end up burning in a lake of fire, just as the Bible says they will. And, for some of them, I don't think it matters too much, because they've vowed to work in this world for the dark side, and to get whatever it is that they can get. But, I assure you, that this life is only a small unnoticeable blink of an eye, as compared to the eternity we're going to be living. There is too much reason, to not set down the hope of reason, for this world. This world is sending you and everyone else down the river. They don't care about you, they hope that there is a huge waterfall on the other side where truth and reason just gets buried in that you will die if you fall that far and that fast. And, hopefully - no one is willing to cover the truth.

What I've been through isn't the worst of it. It's not the worst yet, I fear and people don't care about the truth about the hell that we're living while here on earth. I have to pay for probation, court costs and fines and still pay off these tickets. I'm somehow not able to get a job no matter how hard I try, and I'm not being treated fairly by the system. They are making me a slave for their own heartless ways, and I fear that it's because I know something, that they don't want me to be exposing to people about their lies. This is why I hope that STEEM last for forever, because people need the right to speak out and to talk about the things that are going on. If not this, and not any other way, how would you wish to expose the lies? How would you be able to stop a cop from shooting at you? How, if you were in the right, would you be able to stop a group of cops all in it to take you out? Would you? Would you ever be heard? Would you ever get justice, or is justice always going to happen in this world for the wicked? Is justice just something that happens when God takes over? Or is there any time while we are here in this life that justice can happen while we are alive?

I asked God that I wanted a life here on this earth still, and that I thought I deserved one. I felt that this was newsworthy of what was happening to me, so I've written news articles, and to news stations all across America. I've written and called, and tried to deliver myself from the evil that is this world until I was feeling that - I don't think there is ANY good places that one can go to looking for help, from anyone in this world. Is that the truth?

I wish that I could go somewhere to have a real meaningful relationship with my humanity. I wish that there was a place that I could go to speak to this world. I wish that I could do my music, play my drums, and be with humanity in better ways than I've ever gotten to, but - something tells me that this world is more wicked as ever today, and that I'll never get that chance. I just don't want that to be true. I want to share my world more beautifully with humanity and with my family than I've ever gotten the chance to. You can say people pray, and people care, and that people want what is best for each other, but still - no one looks into things that are happening to people that have a truth and hold a truth of their world, when it's bad people that are all inside of their own favor. It's as if the god of this world is the devil and people are sucking the devils dick when there is something more important going on. Sorry, to say it that way, but I have yet to find a reasonable help from this world in the ways that I've been treated. You may think that this is the only part to my story that went wrong, but it isn't. I've had nothing but shit being offered me by the system, and I'm living in systematic ruin.

But, if it is His will, I don't think that people can stop it. If I'm being built to come to something, I don't think that people can deliver me from it. And, the truth of the matter is this - I pray and hope to God that I can silence these people from getting away with what they are doing to people leaving people without hope and hurting so bad, that people feel as though they are depressed and asking for their mind-numbing medications by name, and worse things. I pray and hope that I can stop the abuse that is happening to me in my life from a system that should all know that it's a bunch of bull shit that is being ran over me by people who are not good people, and I hope that I can wake people up. I hope that I can be heard for the truth of the things that I've learned, that are things that are happening to me that feels unstoppable and horrendous.

If you were hit with this truck, and then they took a train over you? How would you feel?

If you were going through some things and trying to do right by your family and you just knew- You knew, that these things that were happening to you were wrong, wouldn't you want answers? Wouldn't you want to stop the train? I sure do! I want to freeze time even just to be at peace with my humanity and just watch how everyone is frozen in time for a whole year or two before I feel as though I could go on. It's because I'm after the truth. The truth on why these things are happening to me, and the truth why so many people have so much going on in their lives that they are feeling like me, as though, they can't control it. The only thing that I can come up with though, is that through prayer, and through totally making myself submissive for the Lord that I'm under conviction. It's a conviction that makes sense, because of how many things that I've already done that tell me that I have a truth to share with the world. And, it doesn't matter if you believe in God or not, I have a truth that I'm willing to share with you all.

I love people, and I love my family more than this system ever could. So why am I being held against my will to even see the people I love. I'm being stopped from driving; stopped from working, stopped from paying my child support, stopped from being able to see my kid, stopped from being able to ask the people I love for forgiveness, stopped from saying I am sorry that all these things are happening to me - while a system, and a cop tell me, that something had to have happened in there, and that you must have done something. And, I said no - You are doing something! You are doing it to me! You are stopping my rights. And, You all are stopping me! It's not me doing something as they say, "breaking the law," so that they can control me, rather - it's them "breaking their own laws," and creating hell for the people that are studying the truth.

You see, most people just watch television, listen to the news, or read the paper. But, these things are all controlled by people with money - so you're not going to get any truth there. You see too, the Bible has been changed and now the children's Bibles are more confusing than the old King James version Bible. And, people want to act as though I'm all political. This is NOT political, rather this is a spiritual battle that I'm facing, and I'm under conviction to change this world and make sure that no one ever has to got through these things without first knowing about them. So, when it happens to you or other people that you know, you can know that they are happening to you, and not because of you. They are just happening in ways that are to try and get the truthful people out of the arena in life. They want to turn people into slaves and buying and selling as though it's just something that we do now. This was a lie! This whole world is a lie! And, the money is as fake as it can come. Money doesn't matter, and won't matter, in the end of this life - you're all that matters.

So don't buy into what this world is trying to tell you. Listen to people, and find news and things that are trustworthy and use your own better judgement. This world is trying to keep you away from justice, not lead you to it. They are all in favor of their own wicked ways, and don't want anyone with a studious heart to come out of the woodwork and start to tell the people the truth. They want to stop you from the time that you need just to get your head on straight, and won't even allow you to speak in a court room. I think the system sucks, but - go ahead and think that these people are trying to help you. They aren't! They are paid to make sure that you cannot help yourself enough to help your families enough, and this is why your brothers have no time for you, because they are worked to the bone - because, they want to destroy the truth about their own lies, and their own schemes that they are working people into.

It's called covert and psychological warfare. And, it's a battle for your rights, a battle for the truth, and a battle for what you first wanted. And, that's the life that you deserve.

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