in #christiantrail7 years ago

It so amazing, how God uses our everyday experiences and encounters to teach us His nature, meaning to life and gives us direction at every point of our lives. How often we as Christians have missed God’s direction and instruction for our lives because we thought God was going to speak to us in our prayer closet. Instead, He speaks to us at all times; at dinning, washroom, shop and so on. It was on one of such occasions the Lord used to teach me great lessons of life which I am privileged to share with you today.
The Journey, as a call it was born out of one of my journeys from Tamale to Accra, Ghana. It was an exciting journey knowing the Lord was taken me through a series of lessons that I could never have learnt them in my entire life. Some of which never occurred to me in my entire life as a Christian. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!

A day before my journey to Accra I went and purchased a bus ticket that will grant me access to the bus that was supposed to take me to Accra the following day. It is impossible to be granted a place in the bus as a passenger without the ticket. What guarantees us access to eternal life? You may be rich or poor, educated or not educated, black or white, what matters most in this life is whether you have secured a ticket that would grant you access to eternal life in Heaven. That which grants us access to Heaven is not our works, education but receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior. Are you born again?
Bible says that except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Except your garments are washed in the blood of Jesus, you cannot enter into eternal life in Heave. You will be left out. Jesus is the only way through which we can be granted access into Heaven. If Heaven is where you want to be, then I encourage you today to make it a point to accept him into your life today.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3(KJV)

The next day I arrived at the bus station very early in the morning. As I sat and watched, many people trooped in at the station. Some of the passengers carrying small and a few luggage while others carried huge luggage. Amazingly, some even carried nothing; they came empty handed. This scene contained two lessons.
In the first place, I realized that life as a journey, God gives each and every one different talent according to our abilities. We cannot all begin the journey of life on the same level. The level you begin with is not yours to determine but how you end it is in your hands. It is your fault when you don’t end well.
The second is unto this, the Lord made me to understand that though all of us have tickets that granted us access to the bus but we are entering the bus with different rewards. You might receive Jesus as your lord and savior and arrive empty handed in Heaven, with no reward. Though you are saved you may have no reward.
The Lord admonishes us to store up treasures in Heaven. He saved us so we can tell other people about His greater love for all men. He saved us so that we can live a life that is totally dedicated to the One who have loved us and purchased us with his own blood.
For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Matt 16:27( KJV)
What would the Lord say to you when you finally arrive in Heaven?

Another important thing the Lord opened my eyes to see was the fact that different people arrived at the bus station at different times. Some came very late as the bus was about to take off.
Life as a journey, there are people who may seem to set off earlier than you. Remember all of us cannot take off at the same time in life. Some people will go ahead in terms of education or business. You don’t have to beat yourself up because you seem to be late. Recognize what you have and work with it. Trust that God is able to take you to an expected end as His word promises.

As we journeyed, I realized our bus overtaking some other buses while we were also been overtaken by other buses. What is the lesson? In this life all of us cannot progress at the same speed. Some people may go faster, others slower. Blame not old woman or that uncle for the rate of your progress in life. I do not rule out the fact that this is possible but most of the time it is our own foolish decisions that slows us down.

Also know that the speed at which you go also depends on what you carry. The heavily loaded truck cannot travel at the speed of lightly loaded sprinter. All you need is to learn to be led by the Spirit of God. Don’t kill yourself because your mates seem to overtake you. It is God’s timing for your life that matters. At His own time He will make all things beautiful.

God bless you for reading. My prayer for you is that the Lord will help make your journey through this life a smooth one.

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