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Little Bryant will be 5 years old next Wednesday, ever since he was 4 he had always wanted a toy car as a birthday gift. His parents are Catholics which made him never miss Sunday school. Ms. Kent, the Sunday school teacher often read stories from the bible to them. She told them the story of the Shepherded boy David and how he defeated Goliath.

Ms. Kent taught the children how to say the Lord’s Prayer and to share the grace, this particular class was so interesting to the children because she kept reiterating the power of prayer and how God answers prayer through Jesus Christ.
Bingo! This is the right thing I need Bryant said. When he got home that night before bed, he said a few words of prayer, requesting for a toy car from God as his birthday gift. He needed the toy badly and waited earnestly for the prayer to work.

The Kidnap Story

It’s Tuesday already and no answers to his prayer, then, Bryant did the unimaginable by writing Jesus a short letter. This is what he wrote:

“Dear Jesus,
     I have been praying for my birthday present since Sunday after church. My Sunday school teacher said we can ask 
     you for anything by praying. Since you did not give me the toy I asked for, I have kidnapped your mother. If you want 
     to see your mother kindly give me the toy car and I will release her”.

Bryant before writing the letter had taken the statue of Mary the mother of Jesus which was on full display in their living room and had hidden it in his box. By doing this he thought he had kidnapped the mother of Jesus hence the letter.

Morale of the Story

Many a times we pray to God and don’t get instant replies, then we start to question him by saying all kinds of things. In reality, every need or our heart desire will be granted eventually but we need to be persistent, unrelenting and consistent through prayer, it will happen at the appropriate time.

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