Can A Salt Lose Its Saltiness?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Matthew ‪5:1‬3

""You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by people."

Do you know that a salt cannot lose its flavor? Its saltiness can never be removed for its chemical structure is fixed permanently. But what does Jesus mean on his statement above? Being all knowing, he surely knows that a salt cannot lose its saltiness, for he is the one who made salt itself and even all things.

In the passage above, Jesus is speaking to the people who were following him. Those who are eager to hear his words. They are the salt of the earth. Likewise, we today, who listen and believe in his words are the salt of the earth too. Jesus is saying that our value as believers is permanent just like how the flavor of the salt is permanent. Our value in his sight cannot be changed or removed despite of our shortcomings.

You cannot lose your value in God's sight. You must determine yourself the way God determines you. But if you judge yourself as without value or flavor, then you will be good for nothing and be trampled upon by people.

So see yourself as a salt. You cannot lose your flavor and value. You are forever precious in God's sight. It's all thanks to Christ's finished work on the cross.

(Note: Image used in this article is from google.)


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