Hope of the Hopeless

in #christianity6 years ago


Favor is often times used interchangeably with grace.
What is Grace?
Grace is defined as God's unmerited favor. Favor is an approval,
advantage or breaking of laid down protocol. This month the Lord,
the hope of Glory, will break protocol to bless you in Jesus name.
Grace is God doing good for us that we do not deserve. Grace can
also be defined as God's sufficiency or God's fullness in the life of
the believer (2 Corinthians. 12:9). That is, the grace of God in man
will enable him,make hope active and empower him in his

Also in 2 Corinthians. 9:8 the Bible says "And God is able to make
all grace abound toward you; that ye,always having all sufficiency
in all things, may abound to every good work". This means that
God's grace working in us supplies the sufficiency whereby we may
abound to every good work.
Also God is enough for us no matter the situation we face.
May the favor of God grow and drive out hopelessness in your life
in Jesus name,Amen.

Benefits of God's Grace and Favour

Some of the benefits of God's grace and favour are narrated below;


Grace is, first of all,necessary for salvation. Ephesians 2:8 declares
that "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God. "The Bible states in Romans 3:24
that we are justified by the grace of God.



By justification we are made heirs of salvation. In Titus 3:7 the
bible says "That being justified by his grace, we should be made
heirs according to his hope of eternal life". We are not only saved
by the grace of God, we also serve the Lord and live the Christian
life by same grace (Romans 1:7). In the Bible, grace and mercy are
like two heads of the same coin. Mercy is God withholding
judgment or evil that i deserve; grace is God giving me blessing
or good that i do not deserve.
Because of God's mercy, i do not receive the judgment of God
against sins; because of God's grace, I receive eternal life and a
promise of Heaven though i do not deserve them. Both mercy and
grace come to you through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hindrance to Grace and Favour

Aside the abundance of grace poured out by God to His people,
some obstacles can also truncate or delay this God blessings and

  • Self-doubt of the love and grace of God in your life is one
  • Another hindrance is the need to achieve; thinking that by
    your own power and ability you can overcome sin or live holy.
    This thought can make you fail. It is only by His grace.

May you be full of God's grace and hope in Jesus name, Amen.

Growing in God's Grace

*You can grow in grace by the knowledge of His word
(1 Peter 2:2).

  • Encounter with various trails (James 1:2-4).
  • Personal devotional in His presence.
  • Corporate praise and worship.
  • Fellowship among believers and
  • Holy Communion.

This is why you should have quality quiet time with God,
attend digging deep to know more about God and His
promises which will help you to overcome trails, come
early to church service to participate in praise and worship,
and not avoiding the assembly of brethren or Holy
Communion services.

This month, may you grow in the grace and favour of the
Almighty God with high hopes and breakthroughs in the
name of Jesus Christ.
May that be your testimony this month in Jesus name, Amen.

God bless you all.

@wyxlight ...


Felt like I just left an online church service..
Good write @wyzlight

Thanks for sharing dear

Pastor preach. Nice post there

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