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RE: The Intriguing Growth of Texas Cowboy Churches!

in #christianity6 years ago

I'm outdoors most of the time during the day and Mike is usually nearby just to keep an eye on me. He has breathing problems in hot weather so when the temp gets above 85, he pants pretty hard, and that eliminates late afternoon walks for him. His indoor bed is next to a floor vent and he sleeps with his nose over the edge, in the cool air flow. The back yard is fenced and We have a dog door, so be comes and goes when he feels like it.

More than you expected to know about Mike the Dog, I'll bet!


howdy @willymac I loved this information about Mike!
so he loves the fall and winter months.
I remember that you guys live in a secluded area don't you? so you have to drive to where you walk with Mike each morning?

We do. It's about three miles, away from the Interstate, and into the back of town, with very little traffic, so it's not very time consuming. It's worth it.

Yep, Mike had a pretty difficult time with the heat and with breathing last summer and it concerns me. He was about four months old when I found him back on June 15, 2005. He's one who is more like a person than most people are when you get to know him.

howdy willymac hey I just asked this question about the location of the walking park in another comment but now I see you answered it here, sorry about that.

I hope Mike is okay and just slowing down like we all do. you remember the exact date that you found him so either you have a photographic memory or that day was very special. where did you get him?

He was abandoned on a dirt road. Hmmm. I might write about that since it did turn out to be a major event for me.

My memory is photographic but was unfortunately exposed to bright light at some time in the past. I do keep lots of notes on important events.

lol! too funny @willymac..hey I would truly love to read a post about how you found Mike and how that impacted your life, that would be wonderful!

of course I get half the proceeds since I stimulated that idea! lol.

Lets see... half of nine cents is...

I already have folders with photos of Mike, Barney, Sam, Sara, Mac, and Lucky for profiles about them. So many memories in all those fur-legged friends.

howdy today @willymac! yes sir I believe God made them just to be our special companions.
that's the only explanation I can come up with for their loyal and loving nature.

100% agree with that. I have often felt that the presence of one of my dogs in a time of an emotional situation was actually God's presence by proxy. The seem to just know.

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