The Reality of Our Faith

in #christianity6 years ago


--What should matter to a Christian in life?
》His career, his prosperity, his political connections, even, should it be his family, or CHRIST?
--What is the true call of a Christian?

★2 Cor. 5: 15 provides an answer to the question. “And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.”

--On the cross, there was an exchange.
--CHRIST gives you HIS life, in exchange for your life.
--From the moment you accept CHRIST, your life ceases to be yours.
--Your career, friends, connections, aspirations, ambitions, goals, all should become unimportant.
--Only one thing should matter, the interests of the LORD.

--So, whenever there is a conflict between the personal interests of a Christian and the interest of CHRIST, personal interest must disappear under that of CHRIST.
--This is what the MASTER has in mind when HE said, “… If any man will come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow ME.” Lk. 9: 23
--The cross is not a comfortable item to carry and its destination is more unappealing.
--Whenever a man carries a cross, where is his destination? It is Golgotha.

--As unappealing as this may look to a carnal man, this is the only way to eternal life.
--CHRIST makes that clear.
--Whoever does not take his cross and follow CHRIST, should forget ETERNAL LIFE.
--He can be rich, travelling around the globe on earth, but he has no place in ETERNAL LIFE.

--Therefore, it is next to impossible for a Christian to be worldly correct.
--There is no middle path.
--You are either a Christian carrying the cross, or you are not a Christian at all, as far as HEAVEN is concerned.
--GOD'S KINGDOM won't cohabit caricature believers, one leg in the world and one leg in CHRIST!
★ Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
--You see, the cross represents : shame, suffering, self denial, and death.
--A true Christian takes a stand for CHRIST even against his personal interest and he will refuse to budge.
--A true Christian is not afraid of shame, suffering, or death, you should ready for the test of faith.

--It is because we have lost Christianity, that we have Christians who are worldly correct.
--This group of Christians (unfortunately they are in the majority (in the church) will keep quiet in the face of corruption, they will apply “wisdom” rather than confront and shun evil
--They will akways apply logic rather than righteousness.
◆◇Beloved! Don't let the ephemerality of this world ejects you from eternal joy
◆◇Brethren, let us put on the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof
★ Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son

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