My Testimony

The way I came to the Lord was in my High School days. A church decided to do an outreach in the neighborhood I lived in. It was during summer when they did this, so all the kids could come, since we were all in summer vacation. They did this for 3 years ( three summers). For those three years I would just of for the free food and try and flirt with the girls, but would still stay for the messages they would give. After the 3 outreach, the church decide to start a bible study at the home where the outreach was held. Me and my friends decide to attend, since they would bring free things. Little did I know that the Lord was working in my heart. At one of those bible studies, the youth pastor approached me and my two friends and proceeded to preach the gospel to us. We all look at each other and "accept" the Lord. We just said yes to brush the pastor off.

I don't remember how long it was after I had vainly "accept" the Lord when I had the dream in which I actually put my faith in Jesus. In the dream I was in my room laying in my bed. The room was real dark. As I laid on the bed, I felt light taps on my shoulder, which hole me up in the dream. I turned to see what it was. They were two leprechaun looking like figures. they looked just like the one from the movie leprechaun.

Out from nowhere they pull out an old school contract in a form of a scroll. When they did, they signaled me to sign at the bottom of the contract with my thumb (finger print). When I was reaching to sign, I saw a bit of the title and contain something about the devil. I realized it was something bad; During those moments they had a menacing smile and thats when I knew something was wrong. I jolted up from the bed and I used the window next to my bed to run away from them. As I ran, they proceed to chase me. But I ran in the dark nowhere to go, when at the distance I saw a light. I decide to go towards it. As I got closer to the light I saw a bridge and people on it. When I got there I mixed with them and the leprechauns stopped chasing me. When I glanced at the people, they where the ones from the outreach.

And at the moment I had woke up; the dream was over. This dream bothered me for a while and was trying to understand its meaning. Since I had been attending bible studies, I knew some verses from the Bible. The more I pondered the more the verse that say; Luke 12:8-9-- Also I say to you. whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God. But he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God.

Basically, am I for the Lord or against Him. When I finally understood, that's when I gave my life; put my faith in Jesus Christ.

Lets end with prayer. Father in Heaven, may your name be exalted and be praised forever. Thank you for your love and grace that you have gifted us. May we see the world through your eyes. May we become discerning in all things to the glory of the Lord. I lift anyone whom is going through anything reading this post, may you supply them with strength and comfort. May you become their strength. In Jesus name. Amen.

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