Against Inerrancy (0002), No Salvation without Deeds

Was Abraham Justified by Faith or Works?

Paul of Tarsus, in his epistle Romans, insists that Abraham was justified by faith (read Romans 4). But James in his epistle (read James 2) teaches that Abraham was justified both by faith and his works.

Paul always tried to stop people from following the religious law. He always presents Christian faith as enough to find salvation. On the other hand, James insists that you can not find salvation if you don't do good deeds (read James 2). These two epistles contradict each other.

So Who Will You Follow? Only Faith or Both Faith and Deeds?

James' epistle is the right way. Do not follow Paul. Paul changed Christianity. He nullified kosher food restrictions for Christians. But pork is unclean food. Apostles did not nullify Jewish Law. Simply, Paul's Christianity (Pauline Christianity) became dominant against other denominations like Ebionites.

What is waiting ahead of Christianity is whether people will keep following Paul and eat and drink whatever they want and expect salvation by only faith or will they turn their faces to Jewish law and disregard Paul's instructions and find peace in their deeds.


Someone put it that we're saved by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone. So James said that you could see his faith in his deeds.

Abraham BELIEVED God and it was credited to him as righteousness. You can't call that works.

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