The Watchman Letter: Normalcy Bias will destroy Investors wealth

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

I understand our human nature is to rely on Normalcy Bias. "The normalcy bias, is a belief people hold when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects, because people believe that things will always function the way things normally have functioned."
I could list 10 economic indicators that the Longest Bull Market in history is coming to an end. But that would be futile to 99% of investors, because of their Normalcy Bias.
I can use charts to show that the Stock Market, Bond Market and Real Estate Market are in historically massive Bubbles.
The Central Banks have distorted the Markets, which has put a veil on the true economic reality. The Corporations have purchased $5.1 Trillion in Stock Buy Backs and Engineered Accounting to show profits when their revenues have been declining. The Government's economic data is also manipulated to create an illusion that the US Economy is great.
I can prove that the Central Banks and US Treasury have been suppressing Gold & Silver Prices since 1972. Gold & Silver are the most undervalued assets in the world.
The Private Central Banks and the US Treasury are propping up the Markets so Retail Investors, Pension Funds, Foundations, and Hedge funds get suck into the record breaking Stock Market. In 2018 the Central Banks will collapse the system and implement a Monetary Reset per their game plan on more centralized power using the IMF and BIS. The largest wealth transfer in history will destroy millions of Investors Wealth.

None of these facts matters to Investors, because they have put their Hopes, Dreams & Wealth in the hands of the Central Banks and the Financial Media outlets.

"Gold is Money everything else is Credit" JP Morgan

God Bless you & your Family,


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