The Watchman Letter: BLS Unemployment numbers, Big Lies & Statistics

in #christianity6 years ago

The Bureau of Labor & Statistics Unemployment percentage has dropped to 3.7%. The lowest Unemployment Rate since 1967 or 51 years. Wow thats Great ! But there is a problem the numbers do not add up. I would like the BLS to explain to me how they reach 3.7%. When 105 Million eligible working Americans do not have a Job! This is one third of the US population of 318 million. The answer is it takes propaganda and imaginary math. The BLS would argue about seasonal adjustments, retirees, students, and my favorite Americans do not have the skills for the current job market.

Here is my formula for the BLS Unemployment rate: BLS Rate x 4 = Actual rate

3.7% x 4 = 14.8% Unemployment or Actual Rate

The Government believes Americans can not handle the Truth. But until we reveal the Truth about the US Economy, then we can never address the real problems and have real solutions.

"The rarest Commodity in this World is Truth" The Watchman


The unemployment numbers refer only to people who receive Unemployment Compensation. Once someone is no longer eligible they're no longer counted.

The BLS has the number of 96 million of working age Americans out of the workforce with "working age" being defined as being from 16 to 65.

You are correct that the BLS stops counting people after falling off the Compensation rolls. But the does not change the fact the person still is unable to get a job. The BLS changed their Unemployment formulas to reflect better employment numbers for political agendas. I recommend the work by John Williams at Shawdowstats.

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