
howdy simms50 thanks for stopping by!
why not, you afraid they'd put you on a horse? lol
well we went to one for awhile but they were just using the remodeled,
air conditioned building and the arena was several hundred feet away
that they used for events and some of the special guest speakers but
I reckon that don't really count because it was just like a regular church
except the pastor wore a cowboy hat.

I think it's obvious that they are set up to reach the unchurched who
wouldn't be seen in a regular church. I wonder if there are any in your
neck of the woods?

Not afraid of horses. I wonder though at what point in history did God's word not be enough? You hear that in other countries people will walk for miles and meet secretly just so they can hear the words of God, no gimmicks so to speak, just the word!

oh I know what you're sayin but I think we are the laziest Christians on earth aren't we? And since many people bulk at religious doctrine like you and I got away from, and see these as a comfortable, non-religious setting that they feel comfortable in...then that's the draw and the Word is taught strongly in them from what I hear.
and also my wife and I went to one for awhile and it was very strong in teaching, but it was in the summer and we just met in their newly remodeled air conditioned building away from the arena.
but no I totally agree that the Gospel should be enough.why it isn't I don't know because like you said in other countries they will walk for DAYS and then stand all day in a field rain or shine!
we're spoiled cry-babies here no doubt.

No doubt indeed!

how about if they had horses in the sanctuary? lol.
I just added a photo that has a horse standing up by the preacher!

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